2016 Fact Book

101 The most recent data presented for degrees awarded is for July 2014 through June 2015, which is pre- realignment. Therefore, all degree completion data by college in this book represents pre-realignment. The 2017 Fact Book will be recast for post-realignment. Both the average age of students currently enrolled (Table 9) and their age at time of graduation (Table 12) clearly indicate that Nova Southeastern University serves predominantly older, working adults. Accordingly, the university has structured its academic programs and delivery systems to meet the needs of this population. Table 11 Degrees Conferred by Academic Center July 2014–June 2015 Total No. First- Center/School Graduates* Bachelor’s Master’s Specialist Doctoral Professional Criminal Justice Institute 138 0 134 0 4 0 Fischler School of Education 1,650 45 986 185 391 0 Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences 631 617 13 0 0 0 H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship 1,214 234 918 0 5 0 Health Professions Division 2,061 516 626 0 192 0 Shepard Broad Law Center 317 0 22 0 0 293 Center for Psychological Studies 613 0 503 14 96 0 Graduate School of Computer and Information Sciences 234 0 164 11 53 0 Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences 213 0 106 0 79 0 Oceanographic Center 58 0 47 0 2 0 University-Wide 7,129 1,412 3,519 210 822 293 *Total graduates includes two associate’s degree and 184 certificates awarded, but not otherwise shown in the table. Table 12 Degree Level Mean Median Mode Bachelor’s 28 25 22 Master’s 34 31 26 Specialist 40 39 32 Doctoral 41 41 44 First-Professional 29 28 26 University-Wide 33 30 26 Age at Time of Graduation—Degrees Conferred July 2014–June 2015