The Clinic for Speech, Language, and Communication
offers services for adults and children with a wide
variety of communication difficulties, covering all
aspects of the field. Evaluation and treatment of
individuals with articulation and phonological
disorders; language delays and disorders; and voice,
fluency, and augmentative communication needs are
performed within a professional environment. The
Clinic for Speech, Language, and Communication is
part of the degree program in Speech-Language and
Communication Disorders.
Strategic Alliances
The vision of the Abraham S. Fischler School of
Education (FSE) is to connect generations of learners
with research-based instructional and leadership
strategies that provide opportunities to embrace inquiry,
entrepreneurship, and innovation. The Office of
Strategic Initiatives and Global Enterprise for Academic
Development (SIGEAD) at FSE was created to support
this vision and to respond to a market need for
global alliance networks that provide mutual benefits
and sustainable innovations for myriad stake holders.
Many of these strategic alliances involve meaningful
partnerships with local and international
corporations, educational research organizations, and
educational enterprises. FSE also recognizes at its
conference on Leadership, Learning, and Research
several of its partners as research leaders because of their
commitment to excellence, scholarly contributions,
and accomplishments in research. Key among these
strategic alliances are Association of Educational Service
Agencies (AESA); BrainSMART; Gallup Consulting;
National Association of Elementary School Principals
NAESP); Pearson Learning Teams; Pitsco, Inc.; Smart
Horizons; TATA Interactive Systems; United States
Distance Learning Association; and others.