2024 FACT BOOK 1 The 32nd edition of the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Fact Book provides perspective on the university’s character, growth, and accomplishments. The 2024 Fact Book includes narrative, numeric, and graphic representation of the university, including history, characteristics, and development of the institution. Data are presented in both tabular and graphic formats to provide pertinent detail, and general trends are highlighted. Like all previous editions of the Fact Book, this edition is a snapshot of the university during the academic year that concludes in the year of its publication. Therefore, the 2024 Fact Book represents NSU through fall 2023, unless otherwise noted. NSU’s internal and external institutional stakeholders regularly consult the Fact Book. It is referenced when compiling data and information for funding proposals or responding to the planning, budgeting, and governmental compliance requirements of the university. It serves as an official record of NSU’s institutional status and progress during a given period. Versions of the Fact Book produced over the last decade provide a vital record for purposes of tracking and monitoring progress toward institutional excellence. Appreciation is extended to the institutional effectiveness staff members who produced the content, to our partners in the academic and administrative units for their updates and reviews of relevant sections, and to the executive administration for their thorough review of the Fact Book. We hope that you find NSU’s Fact Book useful and informative. Don Rudawsky, Ph.D. Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness FOREWORD u
4 NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION AND ACCREDITATION STATEMENTS 5 NSU VISION 2025, CORE VALUES, AND MISSION 6 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT 7 OVERVIEW Institutional Description / 8 University Facilities / 9 Libraries / 9 Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation / 10 NSU Health / 12 NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale / 14 Greater Fort Lauderdale Campuses / 14 Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus / 14 East Campus / 15 North Miami Beach Campus / 15 Oceanographic Campus / 15 Regional Campuses / 16 Denver / 17 Fort Myers / 17 Jacksonville / 17 Miami / 17 Miramar / 17 Orlando / 17 Palm Beach / 17 Tampa Bay / 18 Puerto Rico / 18 Distance Education at NSU / 18 Technology Infrastructure / 19 Sponsored Funding / 20 University Credentials / 22 Institutional Accreditation / 22 Professional Accreditations / 22 Licensure and Certification / 25 NSU Athletics / 26 2023 Calendar-Year Highlights / 27 Historical Highlights / 28 43 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION Board of Trustees / 44 Functions of the Board of Trustees / 45 University Administrators / 46 University Organization / 47 TABLE OF CONTENTS u Councils and Committees / 48 Internal Initiatives / 48 University Advisory Boards and Councils / 51 53 COLLEGES AND ACADEMIC CENTERS College Deans / 55 Contact Information / 56 Colleges and Academic Centers / 58 Abraham S. Fischler College of Education and School of Criminal Justice / 58 College of Computing and Engineering / 61 College of Psychology / 62 Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center / 65 Health Professions Division / 69 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy / 69 College of Dental Medicine / 72 College of Optometry /73 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine / 74 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine / 75 Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences / 80 Ron and Kathy Assaf College of Nursing / 83 Healthcare System / 85 H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship / 87 Shepard Broad College of Law / 88 Farquhar Honors College / 89 NSU University School / 90 Marilyn Segal Early Childhood Studies Center / 92 Office of Academic Affairs / 93 Degree Programs / 94 Enrollment and Student Affairs (EMSA) / 96 101 STUDENT ENROLLMENT 117 GRADUATES Degree Completions / 118 University Students and Graduates / 120 123 PERSONNEL 127 FINANCES
101 STUDENT ENROLLMENT TABLE 1 Change in Fall Enrollment 2013–2023 / 102 TABLE 2 Fall 2023 Enrollment by College and Degree Level / 105 TABLE 3 Fall 2019–2023 Enrollment by College / 106 TABLE 4 Fall 2023 Enrollment by Permanent Residence of Students / 107 TABLE 5 Fall 2023 Enrollment and Credit Hours at the Regional Campuses by Degree Level and Delivery Modality / 111 TABLE 6 Fall 2023 Enrollment by Demographics, Full-Time/Part-Time Status, and Degree Level / 112 TABLE 7 Fall 2019–2023 Enrollment by Demographics and Degree Level / 114 TABLE 8 Fall 2019–2023 Enrollment Percentage by Demographics and Degree Level / 114 TABLE 9 Fall 2023 Enrollment by Student Age / 116 117 GRADUATES TABLE 10 Degrees Conferred July 2022 to June 2023 (FY 2023) by Demographics and Degree Level / 120 TABLE 11 Degrees Conferred by Academic Center and Degree Level July 2022 to June 2023 (FY 2023) / 121 TABLE 12 Degrees Conferred July 2022 to June 2023 (FY 2023) by Degree Level and Age / 121 123 PERSONNEL TABLE 13 Demographics of Full-Time University Personnel by Head Count / 124 TABLE 14 Demographics of Full-Time University Personnel by Percentage / 125 LIST OF TABLES u 101 STUDENT ENROLLMENT FIGURE 1 Unduplicated Fall Enrollment 1967–2023 / 102 FIGURE 2 Unduplicated Fall Enrollment by Level 2019–2023 / 103 FIGURE 3 Fall Full-Time Equivalent Enrollment 2019–2023 / 103 FIGURE 4 Unduplicated Fall Enrollment by Level and Status 2019–2023 / 104 FIGURE 5 Fall 2023 Enrollment by Location and Modality / 108 FIGURE 6 Fall 2023 Enrollment by Status, Location, and Modality / 109 FIGURE 7 Fall 2023 Credit Hours by Location and Modality / 109 FIGURE 8 Fall 2023 Enrollment by Location, Modality, and Level / 110 FIGURE 9 Fall 2019–2023 Enrollment Percentage by Demographics / 113 FIGURE 10 Fall 2019–2023 Enrollment by Demographic Category / 113 FIGURE 11 Fall 2023 Enrollment by Demographics and Degree Level / 113 FIGURE 12 Fall 2019–2023 Enrollment by Gender / 115 117 GRADUATES FIGURE 13 Degrees Conferred by Fiscal Year, 2019–2023 / 118 FIGURE 14 Degrees Conferred by Level and Fiscal Year, 2019–2023 / 118 FIGURE 15 Demographics Distribution of Degrees Awarded July 2022–June 2023 / 119 127 FINANCES FIGURE 16 Net Assets Fiscal Years 2013–2023 / 128 FIGURE 17 Fiscal Year 2023 Revenue / 129 FIGURE 18 Fiscal Year 2023 Expenses by Functional Classification / 130 LIST OF FIGURES u
4 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY NONDISCRIMINATION AND ACCREDITATION STATEMENTS Consistent with all federal and state laws, rules, regulations, and/or local ordinances, it is the policy of Nova Southeastern University not to engage in any discrimination or harassment against any individuals and to comply with all federal and state laws, orders, and regulations. Any such acts are unacceptable and strictly prohibited by the university. In addition, the law prohibits retaliation against an individual for opposing any practices forbidden under this policy, for bring- ing a complaint of harassment, for assisting someone with such a complaint, for attempting to stop such discrimination or harassment, or for participating in any manner in any investigation or resolution of a complaint of discrimination or harassment. This policy applies to admissions; enrollment; scholarships; loan programs; athletics; employment; and access to, participation in, and treatment in all university centers, programs, and activities. ACCREDITATION STATEMENT Nova Southeastern University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate’s, baccalaureate, master’s, educational specialist, doctoral, and professional degrees. Nova Southeastern University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Nova Southeastern University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website ( Institutional Effectiveness Report 2024–01
2024 FACT BOOK 5 The mission of NSU—a selective, doctoral- research university—is to deliver innovative academic programs in a dynamic, lifelong learning and research environment fostering integrity, academic excellence, leadership, and community service through engaged students, faculty, and staff. VISION 2025 MISSION CORE VALUES INTEGRITY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE COMMUNITY DIVERSITY INNOVATION OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIP/RESEARCH STUDENT CENTERED The Vision 2025 Statement, Mission Statement, and Core Values were adopted by the NSU Board of Trustees on March 29, 2021. By 2025, NSU will be recognized as a preeminent, professional-dominant, doctoral-research university that provides competitive career advantages to its students and produces alumni who serve and lead with integrity. { {
6 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Dear Friends of NSU, This last year has proven once more that Nova Southeastern University is thriving as an institution of academic excellence. Our Shark family includes nearly 21,000 current students at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels, as well as 2,000 students in the NSU University School, and it continues to grow. In the fall 2023 semester, we broke our record once again for the largest incoming undergraduate class, with 2,355 students, bringing our total to more than 7,000 undergraduates. Our wider Shark Nation includes more than 216,000 alumni in all 50 U.S. states and in 118+ countries. NSU had some notable academic achievements in the last year, including first-time accreditation for two of our colleges. First, the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine was awarded full accreditation by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. This accreditation was the final step in a six-year process for the college and its M.D. program. Then the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship earned accreditation from the prestigious Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). This places NSU in an elite category, because only 6 percent of schools worldwide that offer business programs are accredited by AACSB. Additionally, although NSU received a full 10-year affirmation of accreditation in 2017 from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), without any recommendations for improvement or comments, each university or college must also go through an interim fifth-year comprehensive review, required by the federal government. This process ensures to the U.S. Department of Education that the institution is continuing to uphold the standards published in the accrediting agency’s Principles of Accreditation, thereby allowing its students to qualify for federal aid and grants. This year, after our fifth-year review, NSU received a reaffirmation from SACSCOC that we continue to perform without any recommendations or comments. This recognition speaks volumes to our commitment to academic excellence, program effectiveness, and strong financial policies and practices. I am grateful for the hard work that our deans, administration, and faculty and staff members have exhibited in order to gain such consistent recognition as we continue to strive for preeminence. The NSU Shark family has accomplished much in the last year, but there is much more ahead of us, because Sharks always keep swimming forward! Fins Up! George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D. President and CEO Nova Southeastern University MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT u
8 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY N ova Southeastern University (NSU) is a private, not-for-profit, accredited, coeducational university. It is Carnegie-classified as both a high research activity and community engaged university. It was founded in 1964 as Nova University of Advanced Technology. In 1974, the board of trustees changed the university’s name to Nova University. In 1994, Nova University merged with Southeastern University of the Health Sciences to form Nova Southeastern University. Using 2022 fall term enrollment as a measure (the latest data available in IPEDS), Nova Southeastern University is the largest private, nonprofit institution of higher education in Florida, and the second largest in the U.S., with a Carnegie Classification as a High Research Institution. Additionally, in fall 2022, NSU was the 16th largest four-year, not-for-profit, private institution classified by Carnegie as either High or Very High Research Activity in the United States. The university awards bachelor’s, master’s, specialist, doctoral, and first-professional degrees in a wide range of fields, including the humanities, biological and environmental sciences, business, counseling, computer and information sciences, conflict resolution, education, couple and family therapy, medicine, dentistry, various health professions, law, marine sciences, performing and visual arts, psychology, and other social sciences. Nova Southeastern University has the only college of optometry in Florida, and one of only two colleges of pharmacy in South Florida. Institutional Description The university’s programs are administered through colleges that offer courses at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus, as well as at locations throughout Florida; in Denver, Colorado; in Puerto Rico; nationally; in three other countries; and online. In fall 2023, 57 percent of the student body participated in face-to-face courses at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus, 15 percent participated in face-to-face courses at one of our regional campuses, and 26 percent participated in exclusively online courses. With an annual operating budget in excess of $700 million, Nova Southeastern University has a significant economic impact, with a primary presence in the state of Florida. Through its undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs, NSU educated more than 11,000 Florida students in fall 2023. Nova Southeastern University had a $4.1 billion direct economic impact throughout Florida during fiscal year 2020–2021. The university also had an estimated direct economic impact of $3.4 billion throughout South Florida, and an estimated direct economic impact of $3.0 billion throughout Broward County, during that same time. With numerous funded projects currently in the pipeline at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie and Tampa Bay Regional campuses, it is expected that, by 2025, our economic impact throughout Florida will exceed $5 billion.
2024 FACT BOOK 9 University Facilities LIBRARIES u The mission of the Nova Southeastern University libraries is to collaborate to be the premier research, cultural, and lifelong learning centers for NSU and the community. The university libraries include the Martin and Gail Press Health Professions Division Library; the Panza Maurer Law Library; the Oceanographic Campus Library; the NSU University School Media Center; and the Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center. The university libraries offer extensive print and online collections in a wide range of formats, knowledgeable librarians and staff members, and up-to-date technology that supports the research and information needs of library users at every location within the university system. The diverse collections at the university libraries include more than 1.4 million items and 410,000+ unique electronic resources, as well as extensive collections of maps, audio and visual recordings, microforms, rare books, and manuscripts. More than 550 research databases contain the full text and images from hundreds of thousands of ebooks, journals, and newspapers. Most electronic resources are accessible to NSU-affiliated users from any location. Buildings within the university library system offer wireless access and a variety of study spaces, includ- ing group and individual study rooms, collaborative workspaces, individual study carrels, and designated quiet study spaces. Library computer workstations, including Macs and PCs, are loaded with standard software applications. The Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center provides the university libraries with a unique opportunity to fulfill the ambitious mission to serve both the university and the local community. The Alvin Sherman Library is the physical manifestation of a rare collaboration between a private university and a public entity. This joint-use, multipurpose building serves the students and faculty and staff members of NSU as well as the residents of Broward County. A 40-year agreement between NSU and the Broward County Board of County Commissioners allows the Alvin Sherman Library to support the curricular and research needs of the university while simultaneously providing traditional public library services to the citizens of Broward County. At 325,000 square feet, the Alvin Sherman Library is among the largest library buildings in the Southeastern United States. All visitors are welcomed into the building by a spacious, five-story atrium. This modern facility includes multiple service points; high-density, movable shelving; 13 electronic classrooms; 33 group study rooms; 7 conference rooms; a 25-seat teleconference room; the 75-seat, technology-rich Circle of Friends Collaborative Study Room; the Ann Porterfield Digital Media Lab; a café; and the University Archives. It also hosts the Write from the Start Writing and Communication Center, Farquhar Honors College, and the Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation. The Alvin Sherman Library is not only the research library for both NSU and Broward County; it is a cultural hub for both communities. Several perma- nent works of art are on display throughout the building, including The Glass Garden by famed glass artist Dale Chihuly and a Buddhist prayer wheel blessed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The 2,150-square-foot Adolfo and Marisela Cotilla Gallery is host to a variety of engaging exhibits throughout the year. The Craig and Barbara Weiner Holocaust Reflection and Resource Center on the second-floor houses educational resources and rare artifacts from the WWII-era Nazi genocide of the 20th century. Adjacent to the Sherman Library, the 500-seat Rose and Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center includes state-ofthe-art lighting and acoustics suited for larger events. Every year, the Alvin Sherman Library offers many varied cultural opportunities through its support and hosting of public lectures, workshops, receptions, salons, concerts, outdoor festivals, and events.
10 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY University Facilities The Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation (Levan Center) is a public-private partnership between Nova Southeastern University (NSU) and Broward County. It is designed to serve as the economic and education engine for South Florida. The Levan Center is focused on innovation, technology, and entrepreneurship, resulting in breakthrough ideation, development of new technologies, a talent-skills pipeline, new company formation, job creation, and the scaling of companies. INNOVATION The Levan Center supports innovation by supporting government entities and companies of all sizes. This is done by offering innovation initiatives through Corporate Innovation Challenges, providing to innovative solution connections for company pain points, and cultivating an environment where companies can innovate. TECHNOLOGY The Levan Center provides access to emerging technologies through its military-grade cybsersecurity range, technology Makerspace, AI Digital Cities lab, and Volumetric Capture Studio. The cybersecurity range is a resource for companies to execute simulation exercises that test their systems and their teams. This allows them to be better prepared for the next cyber attack. The technology Makerspace is equipped with robots with different applications (humanoid, autonomous, and manufacturing), 3D printers, 3D scanners, augmented and virtual reality headsets, drones, and more. The AI Digital Cities lab, powered by Dell Technologies, is located inside the tech Makerspace and serves as a resource for government to view and test innovative solutions within the digital cities sector. It also has enough infrastructure for innovators and entrepreneurs to test their solutions as they are built. ALAN B. LEVAN | NSU BROWARD CENTER OF INNOVATION u The Volumetric Capture (VolCap) Studio, in collaboration with Sony and GeniusXR, is the only community accessible VolCap studio in the U.S. It is used to create digital twins of humans for endless applications. The Levan Center offers workshops and certificate programs to train individuals on high-demand technological skills. This training includes all levels of cybersecurity, spatial computing (e.g., AR, VR, and XR, immersive reality), and artificial intelligence/ machine learning. ENTREPRENEURSHIP Also known as “The World’s First Theme Park for Entrepreneurs,” the Levan Center supports the Founder’s Journey from birth of an idea to successful exit or global expansion through four core programs (Ideate, Incubate, Accelerate, Post-Accelerate), mentorship, wraparound services, and events. • Ideate This four-week program was created to assist entrepreneurs with the development of an idea through design thinking and prototyping. • Incubate This six-week program helps advance the design- thinking process. • Accelerate This 12-week program is designed to increase funding, customers, and revenue streams, as well as build brand recognition. • Postaccelerate This 16-week program is a fully customized experience to accelerate growth in a globally established enterprise, creating more jobs, increasing revenue, and maximizing positive impact
2024 FACT BOOK 11 The goal of the Levan Center University Advisory Council is to link the NSU community with opportunities that enhance the academic mission. This includes collaboration, experiential oppor- tunities, practicum experiences, and major applied research projects. The council consists of NSU leadership representing academic colleges, facilities, regional campus operations, academic affairs, university advancement, student affairs, and translational research. Levan Center membership tiers offer access to a variety of coworking spaces—from community desks to private offices—as well as to common areas—such as conference and meeting rooms, the Milky Way Café, the tech Makerspace, and quiet pods.
12 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY University Facilities Nova Southeastern University’s NSU Health is a patientcentric, integrated healthcare network built on a foundation of education, research, and the highestquality patient care. NSU Health has many outpatient facilities and provides care in medical, dental, optometry, pharmacy, and mental health services, including family therapy. There are also specialty services available, such as audiology, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech language pathology. Here, you’ll feel better. In addition to the healthcare facilities on the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus, NSU Health provides services to the surrounding community. Clinic locations are as follows: NSU HEALTH u MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES • Maltz Building 3151 College Avenue Davie, FL 33314-7796 (954) 262-5730 FAMILY THERAPY SERVICES • Maltz Building 3151 College Avenue Davie, FL 33314-7796 (954) 262-3030 MEDICAL AND SPECIALTY CARE SERVICES • Audiology Clinic Dr. Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center 3200 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328-2018 (954) 262-7750 • Cathy J. Husman ALS Center David and Cathy Husman Neuroscience Institute Center for Collaborative Research 7595 SW 33 Street Davie, FL 33314-7708 (954) 262-6387 • Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine Center for Collaborative Research 7595 SW 33 Street, Fourth Floor Davie, FL 33314-7708 (954) 262-2850 • Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine Kendall Village Center—Professional Arts Building 8501 SW 124 Avenue, Suite 111 Miami, FL 33183-4631 (305) 595-4300 • Medical Care at Covenant Living Florida 9215 W. Broward Boulevard Plantation, FL 33324 (954) 916-6585 • Neuroscience Institute Center for Collaborative Research 7595 SW 33 Street, Fourth Floor Davie, FL 33314-7708 (954) 262-6387 • Occupational and Physical Therapy Clinics Don Taft University Center 7351 SW 35 Court Davie, FL 33314-7796 (954) 262-4149 • Medical Care Center Dr. Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center 3200 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328-2018 (954) 262-4100 • NSU Health Veterans Care Dr. Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center 3200 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328-2018 (954) 262-FLAG (3524), option 2
2024 FACT BOOK 13 Note: Addresses listed are physical locations of clinics. All mail should be sent to the university’s main mailing address of 3300 S. University Drive, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328-2004. • Speech-Language Pathology Clinic 6100 Griffin Road Davie, FL 33314-4416 (954) 262-7726 • Sports Medicine Clinic Don Taft University Center 7351 SW 35 Court Davie, FL 33314-7796 (954) 262-5590 DENTAL CARE • Clearwater Dental Care 3400 Gulf to Bay Boulevard Clearwater, FL 33759-4514 (813) 574-5380 • Cypress Creek Dental Care Center 1201 W. Cypress Creek Road, Suite 201 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-1910 (954) 262-7530 • Dental Care Center 3050 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328-2018 (954) 262-7500 • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1625 SE 3rd Avenue, Suite 802 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316-2521 (954) 265-7534 • Pediatric Dental Care Center at KIDS 819 NE 26 Street Wilton Manors, FL 33305-1239 (954) 567-5650 NSU HEALTH EYE CARE • Eye Care Center—Davie Dr. Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center 3200 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328-2018 (954) 262-4200 • Eye Care Center—Fort Lauderdale 1111 W. Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-1638 (954) 262-4200 • Eye Care Center—North Miami Beach Venture Centre 16855 NE 2nd Avenue, Suite 302 North Miami Beach, FL 33162-1744 (954) 262-4200 • Lighthouse of Broward County 650 N. Andrews Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311-7436 PHARMACY • NSU Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Wellness Center Dr. Sanford L. Ziff Health Care Center 3200 S. University Drive Davie, FL 33328-2018 (954) 262-4550
14 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY FORT LAUDERDALE/DAVIE CAMPUS The Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus consists of 314 acres with general-purpose athletic fields and NCAA Division II-qualifying soccer and baseball fields. Facilities house the central administration offices; the Health Professions Division; the Farquhar Honors College; Halmos College of Arts and Sciences; the College of Computing and Engineering; the Shepard Broad College of Law; the College of Psychology; the H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship; the NSU University School (grades JK–12); the Alvin Sherman Library, Research, and Information Technology Center; the Don Taft University Center; the Rolling Hills Office Center; and the Academical Village. Fiscal year 2016 saw the completion of new facilities: the Center for Collaborative Research (CCR) and the Noël P. Brown Sports Center South. The CCR consists of 215,000 square feet of research and collaborative spaces. This project is registered with the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and is the first NSU facility to achieve a LEED certification level of Gold. NSU funded the construction by using a combination of its own reserves and tax-exempt financing. The facility was occupied in September 2016 and is now home to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and NSU research, including: NSU Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine; NSU AutoNation Institute for Breast Cancer Research and Care; NSU Cell Therapy Institute; NSU Institute for Natural and Ocean Sciences Research; NSU Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research; and the Emil Buehler Research Center for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. University Facilities GREATER FORT LAUDERDALE CAMPUSES u The NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale was founded in 1958, and has been housed since 1986 in a distinguished modernist building designed by Edward Larrabee Barnes. The museum building encompasses 83,000 square feet on three levels, of which 25,000 square feet is exhibition space used for the display of art. The adjacent Horvitz NSU ART MUSEUM FORT LAUDERDALE u NSU is classified as a research university with high research activity by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. More than 200 research projects are underway at the university, including studies on cardiovascular disease, anticancer therapies, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, coral reef restoration, stem cells, and wildlife DNA forensics, among other subjects. The Noël P. Brown Sports Center South is a 50,337-square-foot gymnasium facility located next to NSU’s Aquatics Complex. The building contains state-of-the-art training and fitness rooms for student-athletes participating in 15 different sports; a gymnasium for basketball, volleyball, and other activities; a general-purpose activity room for use by students as young as junior kindergarten; offices for athletic department staff; locker room facilities for aquatics and visiting athletes; and an office suite for Special Olympics Broward County. To complement the project, the original Sports Center facility received refurbishments to enhance classroom and programming areas. The Don Taft University Center is a more than 325,00-square-foot facility featuring three NCAA competition courts, group fitness and instruction rooms, cardio and weight training areas, squash courts, a rock climbing wall, and the Flight Deck Pub. The Performing and Visual Arts Wing of the Don Taft University Center includes state-of-the-art classrooms and facilities that support the art, dance, music, and theatre majors of the majors of the Department of auditorium, which contains 256 seats, is used for a variety of presentations and performances, including lectures, films, concerts, and theatrical events. NSU also maintains space in the Museum Tower. The Museum Tower is the home of University Advancement, as well as a satellite Office of the President.
2024 FACT BOOK 15 *These facilities were closed in 2023. Communication, Media, and the Arts (DCMA) at the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences. The Performing and Visual Arts Wing features the following: • a 230-seat performance theater with full staging capacity for recitals, concerts, plays, films, and lectures • a 100-seat black box theater with flexible seating arrangements for multiple staging • academic support facilities for the performing arts, including professional-caliber scene and costume shops; a scenic design lab; dance studios; choral and instrumental rehearsal rooms; music practice studios; and acoustic, percussion, and keyboard technology • visual arts classrooms that support painting, drawing, ceramics, and graphic design • a gallery for the display of private art collections, photography, and student artwork NSU’s Aquatics Complex is an outdoor aquatic center with an Olympic-sized swimming pool and integrated dive well, as well as a dryland training facility. In addition, nine residence halls on the Fort Lauderdale/ Davie Campus have a capacity for housing nearly 2,500 students. The residence halls offer a variety of living options ranging from traditional hall shared rooms to suites and apartments. The Academical Village, just south of the Health Professions Division (HPD), is a project to transform the 30-acre parcel into a mixed-use development. It is the location of HCA Florida University Hospital, which was completed in 2021. Phase one of the Modera Academical Village apartment community is currently under construction by Mill Creek Residential. The 397 homes are planned to open in the fall of 2024. NSU’s Health Professions Division complex is located at the northwest corner of the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. The complex includes eight buildings totaling more than 540,000 square feet of space for admini- strative offices, classrooms, laboratories, the Health Professions Division Library, and a patient-services clinic. Also, there is a 623,558-square-foot parking structure with space for approximately 1,700 vehicles. The SimCom, which will be a more-than-100,000square-foot interprofessional simulation complex, will be used for advanced training exercises, research, equipment demonstrations, and surgical scenarios. It will include state-of-the-art technology, such as 3D modeling; virtual, augmented, and mixed reality; and holograms, as well as a fresh-tissue lab, operating rooms, team-scenario venues, inpatient skills labs, outpatient exam rooms, and headwall bays. EAST CAMPUS* The East Campus is located in Fort Lauderdale, six miles from the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. The East Campus is located on 4.5 acres and has 2 buildings that provide 63,000 square feet of office and classroom space. Facilities house the university’s financial operations; the regional campuses administration; human resources; and Alumni Hall, a multipurpose auditorium. NORTH MIAMI BEACH CAMPUS* The NSU Michael Dezer Healthcare Center, located on the 18-acre North Miami Beach Campus, is home to NSU’s Family Medicine health clinic and The Eye Care Institute, both operated by the Health Professions Division. The 29,000-square-foot center serves approximately 15,000 visits per year. NSU will be leaving this facility in mid-2023 at the conclusion of the current lease. OCEANOGRAPHIC CAMPUS The Oceanographic Campus, which serves the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Research Center, occupies 10 acres within the Von D. Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park at Port Everglades in Hollywood. The facilities are composed of three original buildings encompassing 27,000 square feet. It also boasts the Guy Harvey Oceanographic Center Building—a state-of-the-art, 86,000-square-foot research facility, as well as the Center of Excellence for Coral Reef Ecosystems Research. Space exists for offices, classrooms, a library,
16 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY University Facilities and research laboratories. The campus’ marina and proximity to the ocean is ideal for field studies. Partially funded by a $15-million grant from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Center of Excellence is the only facility in the country dedicated to the study, research, and preservation of coral reefs. It was completed in September 2012. REGIONAL CAMPUSES u Nova Southeastern University has earned the enviable reputation for bringing the traditional college experience to students at various campus locations. For students living in Puerto Rico; Denver, Colorado; or areas in Florida around Fort Myers, Jacksonville, Miami, Miramar, Orlando, Palm Beach, or Tampa Bay, attending NSU has been made convenient at our regional campuses. These campuses are serving students in these locations through the use of SMART classrooms, state-of-the-art computer labs, videoconferencing facilities, and other technological advances and student- oriented services. Diverse methods of course delivery for students at the regional campuses mirror those of the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus and include face-to-face, online, or blended formats. All campuses are staffed with full-time employees to assist with admissions, advising, enrollment, student affairs, technology, and financial aid. NSU’s regional campuses help to sustain an on-campus atmosphere for students by generating diverse opportunities to develop friendships, form study groups, and utilize the full range of the university’s telecom- munication systems, providing direct and consistent connection with NSU’s Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. Strategically and conveniently located, regional cam- puses are easily accessible for students and faculty members in any of the NSU markets. The regional campuses have established high-quality and efficient service, enabling students to finish their degrees successfully, while at the same time, providing them with a real-life experience that contributes to their personal and professional development. In addition to offering degree programs, they offer executive education programs designed to assist participants in career development. Above all, to uphold the excellent quality of our programs, the curricula are delivered by outstanding faculty members who are practicing professionals in their fields. In an effort to strengthen and support student satisfaction, the following services and facilities are offered at the regional campuses: • convenient day, evening, and weekend classes • computer labs with full-time staff assistance on-site • simulation labs • full-time staff to assist students with admissions, financial aid, enrollment, or general program matters • multiple compressed video suites for videoconferencing • training in the use of library resources • contemporary audiovisual tools • Internet connectivity, wireless network • study rooms • timely notification of important events through the use of mail, email, videos, social media, and websites • student advisory boards • counseling services • encouragement of student-centered activities such as professional development workshops and recognition events • promotion and support of regional alumni organizations • fitness centers • student lounges • convenient parking Administration Office Hours Monday–Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Building Hours Monday–Sunday from 7:00 a.m. to midnight NSU staff member coverage continues during most class sessions.
2024 FACT BOOK 17 LOCATIONS • NSU’s Denver Campus is located on Yosemite Street in Centennial, Colorado. In 2023, the university designated this campus an official regional campus. It now offers degree programs in anesthesiologist assistant and also has online offerings in business, counseling, education, speech-language pathology, health science, and more. • NSU’s Fort Myers Campus is located on the southeast corner of Colonial Boulevard and I-75. The four-floor, 60,000-square-foot facility houses students from Charlotte, Lee, Hendry, Glades, and Collier counties. This campus offers three computer labs, nine videoconferencing suites, and a multimedia teaching environment with Internet connectivity in every room. The campus offers programs in physician assistant and nursing. • NSU’s Jacksonville Campus is conveniently located near I-95 and Bowden Road in Southpoint. From its 62,413-square-foot facility, it serves students in Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia. This campus offers programs in anesthesia and physician assistant. • NSU’s Miami Campus, which is easily accessible from the Florida Turnpike and Kendall Drive, offers more than 75,500 square feet of classroom and meeting space. It serves students from Miami-Dade and Monroe counties as they pursue degrees in counseling, education, and nursing. It is also home to the Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine, a premier research and treatment center for chronic fatigue syndrome and other illnesses, such as Lyme disease and Gulf War illness. • NSU’s Miramar Campus is located off the Florida Turnpike and Red Road in the Miramar Town Center. It serves the residents of Miramar and Pembroke Pines, as well as commuters from Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties who work in Miramar. This 21,000-square-foot, wireless facility on the third floor of the city’s Library and Educational Center is outfitted with a large computer lab, multi- media classrooms, and videoconferencing rooms. NSU Miramar offers classes in education and nursing. It is also home to the Coalition for Research and Education against Trafficking and Exploitation (CREATE), which equips members of the community with skills to identify victims of human trafficking. Additionally, the campus offers services to teens and adults with autism spectrum disorders through the University of Miami-NSU Center for Autism & Related Disabilities (CARD), which operates a branch office at Miramar. • NSU’s Orlando Campus is conveniently located off I-4 on Millenia Boulevard, approximately one mile from the Mall of Millenia. The 60,000-square-foot NSU Orlando facility provides the perfect venue for classes, meetings, small conferences, and events to accommodate the needs of students and the community. Diverse programs in counseling and physician assistant offered at this campus help students meet their educational goals. /campuses/orlando • NSU’s Palm Beach Campus in Northern Palm Beach County is located near the intersection of I-95 and Military Trail in the town of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The geographical location of this 75,000- square-foot campus allows the residents of the Palm Beaches, the Treasure Coast, and surrounding areas to conveniently pursue their college education in a well-appointed facility equipped with state-of-the- art technology. Market demands have driven the campus to expand its program offerings to include counseling, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, and nursing. This response to the market has positioned the campus as a provider for these communities. nova. edu/campuses/wpb
18 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY University Facilities • NSU’s Tampa Bay Regional Campus, located on Gulf to Bay Boulevard in beautiful Clearwater, Florida, serves the Greater Tampa Bay area, including the counties of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco, Polk, Manatee, and Sarasota. All programs at this more than 300,000-square-foot campus are offered in accessible and hybrid formats to accommodate the demanding schedules of its students. The wireless facility offers student/recreational lounges, private/ group study rooms, an interfaith room, and a courtyard that includes outside study/reading zones. Other features include a cafeteria/self-serve market, multimedia classrooms, interactive medical training facilities for inpatient and outpatient therapies, simulation operating rooms, and high-tech clinical training labs with pre- and post-operative and exam patient simulation rooms. Programs of study include education, school psychology, counseling, cardiovascular sonography, anesthesia, nursing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and osteopathic medicine. In 2022, the NSU Drs. Kiran & Pallavi Patel International Dental Program was completed. This fully digitized program is located in an almost 20,000-square-foot space that includes 64 dental chairs, 3 surgical suites, classrooms, and a simulation lab. • N SU’s Puerto Rico Regional Campus is a 37,000-squarefoot building located in the Professional Offices Park in San Juan. The park is located strategically just 300 meters from the Luis A. Ferre expressway, 1,500 meters from the Lomas Verdes Expressway, 2,500 meters from the Las Cumbres Expressway, and adjacent to State Road #1. These are the principal transportation arteries on the island of Puerto Rico. The campus offers programs in pharmacy and education. DISTANCE EDUCATION AT NSU u Nova Southeastern University is a pioneer in the area of distance education, having initiated distance education programs in 1972. It was the first university in the United States to offer graduate programs in an online format, with the creation of the electronic classroom. NSU has been offering online programs and programs with an online component since 1983. NSU was also the first to use the Unix system to host online courses, and one of the first to use the Internet to support instruction. Some programs use a blended instructional approach with face-to-face instruction coupled with online resources and video components. Others use an on- line course area exclusively. Some graduate programs require students to attend short, intensive instructional units on campus (doctoral studies orientation, summer “institutes,” or a summer conference) as a part of their required program of study. Distance education students have access to educational support services, including the NSU libraries at, technology support via a help desk, educational resources via electronic classrooms and the Internet, and computing resources on our Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus and at regional campuses located in Florida, Denver, and Puerto Rico. NSU students can participate in online courses from any location in the world with an Internet connection. Online courses use a web-based instructional platform as a centralized location for educational materials, course content, and communication—both synchronous and asynchronous. The online course platform enables a wide range of online activities that facilitate frequent student-teacher and student-student interaction. Faculty members and students interact in discussion forums via threaded bulletin boards, via real-time electronic classrooms that support graphical presentations and audio, and through online submission of assignments in multimedia formats. NSU provides an email address and a directory for publishing assignments and resources to the web for all students and faculty members. The Electronic Library provides access to online databases, many of which contain full-text documents. The development and implementation of distance education programs have become increasingly common as many colleges and universities have moved to the online venue. Nova Southeastern University has more than 40 years of experience in the development, delivery, and evaluation of distance education programs that have been used as models by other schools. Distance education students attend classes at times and places that are convenient to the learner—reflecting the mission
2024 FACT BOOK 19 of NSU. The variety of distance education experiences, coupled with the use of appropriate instructional technologies, provide a successful learning environment. TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE u The university maintains an extensive information technology network for teaching and learning, research, and administrative computing. NSU provides a comprehensive network that provides redundancy and resiliency to all our students and faculty and staff members. We have an extensive fiber optic network that allows all the university’s campuses the ability to communicate with each other. We have also built a high-speed backup network for most of the regional campuses. The NSU wireless network provides our students with wireless connectivity across all the campuses. NSU is a stakeholder member of the Florida LambdaRail (FLR), a not-for-profit, limited liability corporation composed of public and private, not-forprofit Florida universities. The FLR operates a statewide, high-performance, fiber-optic network infrastructure that utilizes next-generation network technologies, protocols, and services. The FLR provides NSU with high-speed commercial Internet services and connectivity to advanced regional and national networks, such as the National LambdaRail (NLR) and the Abilene Internet2 backbone. The FLR has significantly enhanced university research and distance-education capabilities and allows NSU faculty and staff members, researchers, and students to collaborate with colleagues around the world on leading-edge research projects and social science areas. Students and faculty and staff members have access to university computing resources, including desktop and laptop computers and document printers and copiers. Numerous computer labs are conveniently located throughout the university’s facilities for student use. Administrative computing resources for students and faculty and staff members at all campuses are distributed between two data centers and enterprise cloud providers. The university’s administrative operations are supported by Ellucian Banner, an enterprise resource planning system (ERP) specialized for higher education institutions. Additional enterprise administrative systems that support the university’s operations include document imaging systems, campus card and POS (point of sale) systems, building management and facilities systems, employee time/effort, procurement systems, and an electronic medical records system (EMR) for healthcare operations and services. Microsoft 365 provides collaboration tools and communication services for all our students, faculty and staff members, and alumni. Electronic classrooms and microcomputer labs provide hands-on technology support for students and faculty members. Multimedia technology training labs support technology-training opportunities for NSU’s faculty and staff. All NSU campuses have videoconferencing capabilities to bring the NSU community together virtually, regardless of physical location. NSU campuses can be linked together via videoconferencing with students off campus to form a global classroom. This extends the reach of NSU beyond the walls of our campuses. The university utilizes a PC-based soft codec videoconferencing model that is compatible with any soft codec solution available today, providing videoconferencing capabilities between all NSU campuses, classrooms, and beyond. This gives NSU a global reach. Remote students are able to utilize these videoconferencing capabilities to reach NSU regardless of their location. PC-based video-conferencing solutions are also located at NSU Health clinical and internship sites. To further augment the libraries’ print materials and online databases, the Office of Educational Technologies and Media Services has an extensive collection of other media. A digital media production studio houses tools for the creation of instructional, informational, and marketing media.
20 NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Sponsored Funding Nova Southeastern University supports faculty and staff members in their pursuit of sponsored funding from a variety of government and private sources. In FY 2023, the university’s sponsored funding totaled more than $167 million. Research at NSU is supported by 110 external agencies, including the National Science Foundation; the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health; the U.S. Department of Education; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association; and the Department of Defense. The largest amount of funding, 54 percent, came directly from the federal government. State and local government represented 21 and 14 percent of total funding, respectively. Funding from for-profit and other nonprofit corporations, foundations, and other universities round out the funding portfolio. Of the FY 2023 total, 43 percent, or $71 million, is to support research activities. In addition, the university funds faculty research through the President’s Faculty Research and Development Grant. Under this program, university faculty members compete for awards of up to $15,000 for the support of their scholarly inquiry and research. In the 24-year history of these awards, approximately $6.5 million in financial support has been awarded. Grant winners have come from each of the university’s academic units. Since 2001, the President’s Faculty Research and Development Grants resulted in 859 presentations and 420 publications. The program has also led to 278 external grant proposals, 90 of which were funded for a total of nearly $18 million. The Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine held the largest amount of total sponsored funding for research, followed by the Halmos College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Dental Medicine. NSU Health and the College of Dental Medicine held the largest amount of total sponsored funding for community service projects. Sponsored funding received by the university includes support for both new and continuing programs, centers, and institutes. Some of the initiatives being supported are Broward County Sea Turtle Conservation Program and Marine Environmental Education Center; Deep Pelagic Nekton Dynamics of the Gulf of Mexico (DEEPEND) Consortium; Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation; NSU Health’s David and Cathy Husman Neuroscience Institute; Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine; National Coral Reef Institute; NSU Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Programs; NSU AutoNation Institute for Breast Cancer Research and Care; NSU Cell Therapy Institute; NSU Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research; and Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Research Centre. Major funding sources include the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (including the National Institutes of Health), U.S. Department of Defense, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, U.S. Department of Education, other governmental agencies, and private foundations. Moreover, many of NSU’s programs and initiatives, as well as other sponsored projects, include collaborations with other universities, hospitals, and community organizations.
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