Doctor of Healt Science Brochure | College of Health Care Sciences

Nova Southeastern University | 5 THE ROLE OF THE D.H.SC . PROGRAM • Provide a well-rounded and diverse educational experience to adult learners in an online environment that allows them to continue gainful employment in their chosen field while attending and completing coursework. • Enhance student leadership and health care knowledge through research and aca- demic inquiry while using current and practical health care models. • Enhance the understanding of diverse and special populations in health care and prepare the student to take a leadership role in the rapidly changing health care environment. • Recognize and evaluate alternative forms of health care that may be encountered in areas of health care practice, both within the United States and worldwide. • Provide a bridge between clinical care, health care diversity, and critical inquiry. • Gain experience in the application of evidence-based practice to professional and clinical activities. • Develop expertise in the areas of health policy and health care ethics. • Recognize the impact of health care and health care systems on the global environment.