Doctor of Healt Science Brochure | College of Health Care Sciences

8 | Doctor of Health Science CURRICULUM OUTLINE Core Courses—Block One • Five of the following are required. • Either DHS 8090 or DHS 8095 may fulfill the health policy requirement. • Either DHS 8040 or DHS 8045 will fulfill the ethics requirement. • DHS 8121 is a 2-semester hour core course that all students are required to take in their first year in the program. • Courses not taken as requirements may be used as electives. COURSE # COURSE TITLE SEMESTER HOURS DHS 8000 Clinical Competencies in the Delivery of Health Care to Diverse and Special Populations 4 DHS 8030 Community Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 4 DHS 8040 Professionalism and Health Care Ethics 4 DHS 8045 The Influence of Ethics and Culture on Global Health 4 DHS 8090 Health Policy, Planning, and Management 4 DHS 8095 Global Health Policy 4 DHS 8110 Community Environmental and Occupational Health 4 DHS 8196 Theories and Principles for Health Care Educators 4 DHS 8197 Traditional and Competency-Based Curriculum and Implementation 4 DHS 8121 Scientific Writing 2 Course Notes 1. For global health, students must take DHS 8045 and DHS 8095, either as core courses or as electives. 2. For education for the health care professions, students must take DHS 8196 and DHS 8197, either as core courses or electives. 3. All students must take at least one ethics course (either DHS 8040 or DHS 8045). 4. All students must take one health policy course (either DHS 8090 or DHS 8095), unless they obtain program director approval.