College of Dental Medicine Brochure - 2021 Class

Nova Southeastern University | 15 a. an evaluation by a preprofessional health adviser or committee from the applicant’s undergraduate institution (if it was not previously sent to AADSAS) If this evaluation cannot be provided, three individual letters of evaluation from un- dergraduate instructors may be sent to NSU (if they were not previously submitted to AADSAS). Two of these should be from science instructors and the other one from a liberal arts instructor. If possible, these letters should be from faculty mem- bers who know the applicant’s scholastic abilities and personal character; other- wise, they should be from individuals (nonrelatives) who can provide an evaluation to the Committee on Admissions. b. a letter of evaluation from a dentist (highly recommended, but not required) The supplementary application should be submitted electronically. If that is not possi- ble, contact the dental admissions office at (954) 262-1108. 4. Participate in a personal interview, if offered. Upon receipt of the completed applica- tion and the required credentials, the Committee on Admissions will select applicants for interview. Those selected will be notified in writing of the time and place. All applicants who are admitted by the college must be interviewed, but an invita- tion to appear for an interview should not be construed by the applicant as evidence of acceptance. Notice of acceptance or other action by the Committee on Admissions will be on a rolling or periodic schedule; therefore, early completion of the application is in the best interest of the student. A final transcript, documenting all courses taken, must be forwarded to the Office of Admissions prior to matriculation. ✔ TIP Incomplete applications will not be considered. If your file will not be complete prior to the deadline, please attach a statement to the NSU-CDM supplemental application for admission explaining what documents will be submitted after the deadline and the reasons for their delay. Decisions to review late applications are at the discretion of the Committee on Admissions. Did You Know? The deadline for NSU’s College of Dental Medicine’s supplementary application is December 15.