College of Dental Medicine Brochure - 2021 Class

Nova Southeastern University | 11 DOCTORAL PROGRAM RESEARCH VISION The college’s vision is to develop, advance, and disseminate knowledge of oral health sciences and related fields to benefit society. OBJECTIVES The program strives to promote academic growth and scientific reputation through interdisciplinary research and the integration of basic, clinical, translational, public health, and educational research. NSU-CDM strives to be a global leader in research and education by collaborating and sharing information with other units within the university—as well as with other university, federal, and private organizations—enhancing our facilities, and recruiting distinguished faculty members. Both faculty members and students are engaged in research efforts that are directed to- ward meeting the needs of the health sciences community, as well as the public-at-large. Predoctoral students are encouraged to do research and have ample opportunity to get involved in research throughout the school year. All postdoctoral students must conduct research, and are encouraged to select research projects within their chosen specialty. Did You Know? Current research is focused around biomaterials, clinical product testing, regenerative medicine bioscience, epidemiology, and the health services.