16 | Dental Medicine Tuition for 2022–2023 will be posted online at dental.nova.edu. All tuition and fees are subject to change by the board of trustees without notice. IN-STATE/OUT-OF-STATE TUITION Eligible students must request in-state tuition on their application. For tuition pur- poses, a student’s Florida residency status (in-state or out-of-state) will be determined at initial matriculation and will remain the same throughout the entire enrollment of the student at NSU. Accordingly, tuition will not be adjusted as a result of any change in residency status after initial enrollment registration. TUITION AND FEES SCHEDULE Annual Fees • Dental General Access Fee—$145 • NSU Student Services Fee—$1,500 • Technology Fee—$500 • Histology Fee—$100 • CDM American Student Dental Association (ASDA) Fee—$100 Initial Fees • Acceptance Fee—$1,000 Required to reserve a place in the entering first-year class, this advance payment will be deducted from the tuition payment due on registration day, but is nonrefundable in the event of a withdrawal. ACCEPTANCE DATE DUE DATE On or after December 1 within 30 days On or after January 1 within 30 days On or after February 1 within 15 days After April 15 immediately • Preregistration Fee—$1,000 This is due March 15 under the same terms as the acceptance fee. First Semester’s Tuition and Fees • Total, less the $2,000 previously paid • Due at the time of matriculation Subsequent Semesters’ Tuition and Fees Tuition for each subsequent semester is due on or before the appropriate registration day. FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS NSU-CDM students will not be admitted until their financial obligations have been met. A commitment to meet financial responsibilities throughout all four years of training is important. These responsibilities include tuition, living expenses, books, equipment, and miscellaneous expenses. DOCTORAL PROGRAM TUITION AND FEES