2017-2018 Practicum Brochure - Doctoral Program

Can students tape sessions with clients using an intervention (not assessment or testin J ) with an informed consent? Yes No . 7 he referring agency must also provide written consent to permit the student to tape sessions. Number of hours per week required: DESCRIBE SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS: SHORT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (250 words or less): CLINICAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Client Population(s): Treatment Modality: Assessment Types: Theoretical Orientation: AACT serves children, adolescents, and young adults that demonstrate behavioral problems consistent with a "diagnosis" of ADHD. Many children also meet DSM-5 criteria for Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder. Because many children exhibiting externalizing symptoms also experience internalizing problems (e.g., anxiety and mood disorders, etc.), clinical experiences are quite diverse. Empirically-supported forms of assessment and treatment are emphasized and those seeking to conduct research in conjunction with their clinical activities will be encouraged to present and publish their work. Finally, the behavior-family systems orientation of the clinic will also provide opportunities for the student to develop adult psychotherapy (with parents) and consultation (with teachers and other professionals) skills. Students participating in this clinic will receive training in report writing, treatment planning, and develop strong therapy skills. Training is intended to prepare the student for a successful CCE defense. Opportunities exist to deliver parent training, staff training, and provide consultation in a variety of settings. 1st year: 10 hours, 2nd: 15 hours Mandatory Training Sessions: PSC clinic training, Intensive training (24 hours) in assessment and treatment will occur during the summer (1-2 weeks before fall semester begins) prior to beginning the practicum. Other Required Training Prerequisites: Required Courses: Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (PSY 1408), Professional Issues and Ethics (PSY 1409). Assessment: Intelligence Testing (PSY 1501), Diversity in Assessment (PSY 1605). General: Good assessment skills (or a willingness to develop these skills) are required. Report writing skills are vital. It would be helpful to have some familiarity with behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, and family systems models. Students are expected to take their clinical duties seriously, including attention to routine clinic details (e.g., file management) and client contact (e.g., practicing to the highest ethical standards, being on time and prepared for clinic sessions, etc.). Toddlers, Children, Adolescents, College Students Behavior-analytic/cognitive-behavioral/Systems ✔ Individual, Family, Group (occasionally), Consultation, Brief (4-12 sessions), Short-term (3-6 months), Long-term (6+ months) Psychoeducational, Behavioral/Cognitive, Intelligence, Personality (limited to special cases)