2017-2018 Practicum Brochure - Doctoral Program

Can students tape sessions with clients using an intervention (not assessment or testin J ) with an informed consent? Yes No . 7 he referring agency must also provide written consent to permit the student to tape sessions. Number of hours per week required: DESCRIBE SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS: SHORT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (250 words or less): CLINICAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Client Population(s): Treatment Modality: Assessment Types: Theoretical Orientation: The practicum student will engage in clinical activities at both NCCOA & HPD sites. In general, the student will spend about 2-5 clinical hours per week in various HPD clinic services, and the remaining clinical hours with NCCOA clinic. NCCOA provides outpatient psychological evaluation and treatment to individuals 55 years or older. Clients served in this program may be experiencing anxiety, depression, relationship discord, or some other form of psychosocial, mental health or adjustment difficulty. NCCOA trains pre-doctoral clinical students in the skills of assessment, consultation, and treatment of psychological disorders and adjustment issues in older individuals. NCCOA's clinical research component is designed to identify the unique features of psychopathology in older adults and evaluate comparatively the most effective remedial approaches for treatment. Orientation is provided during the first week of placement. Additionally, students are involved in the development and administration of all aspects of the clinic. NSU Health Professions Division: Emphasis of this program is to provide training experience for practicum students interested in the health psychology domain, intraprofessional team work, and/or psychological consultation in health care. Students will gain experience with co-leading (with the Director) a support and psychoeducational group for patients with Parkinson’s Disease and their caregivers, participating in the NSU Interdisciplinary Fall Prevention Clinic (Thursday afternoons) with the Director, and providing "light" psychological consultatin in the NSU Geriatric Medicine Clinic under the direction of a geriatrician. 1st Year & EL: 10 hours minimum, 2nd: 15 hours minimum Mandatory Training Sessions: NCCOA specific training takes place prior to start or during first week of practicum, usually during the days and time when supervision would be provided. Also, all students are required to complete a reading list prior to practicum start. Further, there is mandatory 1-hour Case Conference with the Intern, and in-service trainings throughout year (which will be scheduled a later time) Required Training Prerequisites: Basic understanding of various theories and therapeutic treatment approaches (e.g., CBT, IPT, humanistic, existential, etc.). Familiarity with health & aging psychology is also important. Attendance at specific meetings: Interdisciplinary Geriatric Journal Club (monthly), Weekly Case Conference with Intern HPD requirements: Students must participate at least one semester in the NSU Parkinson’s Support Group (webpage: http://www.nova.edu/healthcare/community-outreach-programs/parkinsons-support-services.html) . The NSU Parkinson's Support Group meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 10:30 - 12:00. Students must participate at least 1 semester in the NSU Geriatric Medicine Clinic (webpage: http://www.nova.edu/healthcare/clinics-services/medical/geriatrics.html) , shadowing a geriatrician and offering brief psychosocial consultation. Students must also participate for at least one semester in the NSU Interdisciplinary Fall Prevention Team Clinic (webpage: http://www.nova.edu/healthcare/clinics-services/medical/fall-prevention.html) . Clinic occurs on Thursday afternoons (1p – 5p), usually 1 - 2 times per month. List specific evening hours required: Optional, Monday – Thursday evening appointment hours. Supervision Requirements (e.g., individual, group, time, day): One hour of individual supervision. Occasionally, there is group meetings and/or supervision required. Also, additional supervision time is available on an appointment basis. Adults, Older Adults Eclectic, CBT, IPT, Behavioral Medicine, Humanistic, Existential ✔ Individual, Family, Group, Couples, Brief (4-12 sessions), Short-term (3-6 months), Long-term (6+months) Personality, Behavioral/Cognitive, Intelligence, Neuropsychology, Physiological 030