2017-2018 Practicum Brochure - Doctoral Program

Can students tape sessions with clients using an intervention (not assessment or testin J ) with an informed consent? Yes No . 7 he referring agency must also provide written consent to permit the student to tape sessions. Number of hours per week required: DESCRIBE SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS: SHORT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (250 words or less): CLINICAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Client Population(s): Treatment Modality: Assessment Types: Theoretical Orientation: IPPC provides diagnostic and in-depth treatment services to clients with moderate to severe characterological disorders who would benefit optimally from a more intensive psychodynamic treatment modality. These include adults, adolescents, and families with neurotic conditions and characterological disorders including narcissistic and borderline states. The clinic strives to meet the need for intensive psychotherapy with this population by offering frequent sessions and a lengthier therapeutic experience. Treatment will emphasize the use of a variety of techniques derived from modern and traditional dynamic theories including ego-psychology, self-psychology, object-relations, drive-psychology and others. The goal of therapy will be to increase the patient's understanding of the etiology and motivation of symptomatology, the dynamics that maintain the symptoms that interfere with their productivity, and the realization of their inherent potential. The clinic's training goal is the development of a skilled, empathic therapist familiar with a variety of treatment modalities, capable of working effectively with the characterologically disturbed patients in long term settings. As part of training experience, the trainee will learn to make use of psycho-diagnostic instruments in formulating a treatment plan, and subsequently use psychodynamic techniques in understanding and treatment of patients. 1st year: 10-15 hours, 2nd year: 15-20 hours Mandatory Training Sessions: PSC clinic training, peer group supervisor meeting to orient new clinicians to psychodynamic practice. Required Training Prerequisites: Enrollment in a psychodynamic psychotherapy course is strongly encouraged. Must be open and receptive to direction and supervision, acceptance of the PSC rules and regulations, the filing of all necessary forms, the commitment of hours, and have a dedication to the psychodynamic approach. Suggested prerequisites: Experience in Rorschach and full battery is encouraged. Also the course in psychodynamic theories (e.g. object relations), intervention courses and psychopathology courses (e.g., narcissism & borderline) are encouraged. Understanding of psychopathology from a psychodynamic point of view, unconscious motivation, knowledge of psychodynamic procedures, the therapeutic alliance, nature of transference/countertransference, resistance, the phases of therapy, including termination, and understanding the meaning of supervision are all encouraged. Attendance at specific meetings: Every Friday morning Other requirements: Language skills in Spanish would be helpful. List specific evening hours required: Some evening hours should be expected as the majority of our patients will be adults plus “intensive” treatment requires flexible scheduling Supervision Requirements (e.g., individual, group, time, day): Dr. Quintar will provide 1 hour individual supervision as well as a 3 hour Friday morning in service and case synthesis presentation. Modality of supervision is both in a group and individual format. There will be an opportunity for peer group supervision lead by an advanced student/coordinator. Adolescents, Adults, Older Adults Dynamic ✔ Individual, Family, Couples, Short-term (3-6 months), Long-term (6+ months) Personality, Intelligence 026