2017-2018 Practicum Brochure - Doctoral Program

Can students tape sessions with clients using an intervention (not assessment or testin J ) with an informed consent? Yes No . 7 he referring agency must also provide written consent to permit the student to tape sessions. Number of hours per week required: DESCRIBE SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS: SHORT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (250 words or less): CLINICAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Client Population(s): Treatment Modality: Assessment Types: Theoretical Orientation: The Child and Adolescent Mood and Anxiety Treatment (CAMAT) program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Miami is a clinical research and service program dedicated to developing and testing state-of-the-art treatment approaches for anxiety and depression in children and adolescents. Some of our treatment programs are funded by research grants and other resources that allow us to provide diagnostic assessments and evidence-based treatment to children and adolescents at low- to no-cost. Other clinical assessment and treatment services are generally provided to families on a sliding scale, with appropriate documentation of current family income. At the CAMAT program, the majority of our research and clinical service focuses on various types of cognitive behavior therapy for children and adolescents with anxiety and/or depression, with an emphasis on the provision of the Unified Protocols for the Treatment of Emotional Disorders in Children and Adolescents. We are currently recruiting children and adolescents for treatment of any anxiety, obsessive-compulsive spectrum or depressive disorder for both clinical research studies and fee-for-service therapy options. At CAMAT, practicum students will get intensive training in evidence-based assessment and therapy for youth emotional disorders and should expect and desire this as a prerequisite. Students with some preexisting knowledge of and specific interest in behavior therapy and interventions research, as well as those with Spanish language skills are particularly desired as practicum students, but not required. 15 hours Taping: Non-IRB protected cases only, unless supervisor at NSU is CITI certified and added to protocol. Mandatory Training Sessions: We require training sessions on grant-specific and general CAMAT regulatory procedures, as well as general site procedures and training in the Unified Protocols for Children and Adolescents. Required Training Prerequisites: Generally, we conduct required trainings in August and practicum student(s) would be required to attend these, although we occasionally provide these at differing intervals over Summer and in the academic year. Those wishing to train as an independent evaluator for the COMET study may be required to participate in additional training. Attendance at specific meetings: 1-2 hour therapy supervision hours and 2 hour assessment supervision hours weekly, additional research meetings are optional Other requirements: List specific evening hours required: Some evenings are required (no later than 7:30pm) due to child assessment and therapy scheduling needs # Direct clinical contact hours/week: Elective practicum: 8+ hours; 2nd year practicum: 15 hours Supervision Requirements (e.g., individual, group, time, day): 1-2 hours of group therapy supervision/weekly, 2 hours of assessment supervision/weekly; additional individual supervision provided as needed; Dr. Amy Beaumont is primary supervisor for all NSU students at CAMAT. Children, Adolescents Cognitive, Behavioral ✔ Individual, Group, Brief (4-12 sessions), Short-term (3-6 months) Behavioral/Cognitive 152