2017-2018 Practicum Brochure - Doctoral Program

Can students tape sessions with clients using an intervention (not assessment or testin J ) with an informed consent? Yes No . 7 he referring agency must also provide written consent to permit the student to tape sessions. Number of hours per week required: DESCRIBE SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS: SHORT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (250 words or less): CLINICAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Client Population(s): Treatment Modality: Assessment Types: Theoretical Orientation: Program offers psychological evaluation, intervention, and consultation for the optimum management of an ongoing health related concern as well as for the optimum maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. Biofeedback and other health psychology interventions can be provided to assist individuals with the management of a chronic disease, headaches and other types of chronic pain, healthy eating and exercise, changing health compromising behaviors, coping with aversive medical/dental procedures, and overall health promotion. When indicated and with appropriate release of information, interaction with the clients’ significant others and/or other health care providers can be encouraged. 1st year: 10 hours, 2nd year: 15 hours 1 Health Psychology Course. Mandatory Training Sessions: 2 full days for PSC orientation and 3 two-hour training sessions for BHPC. Required Training Prerequisites: It would be helpful to have familiarity with cognitive-behavioral treatments. However, training in this will take place. Students are expected to take their clinical duties seriously, including attention to routine clinic details (e.g., file management) and client contact (e.g., practicing to the highest ethical standards, being on time and prepared for clinic sessions, etc.). Attendance at specific meetings: Program staff and group supervision meetings: TBD Other requirements: One of Health Psychology courses [e.g., Health Psychology, Pediatrics] should be completed or anticipated to be completed before practicum. Some knowledge of assessment techniques used in evaluation of psychophysiological/psychological disorders and treatment outcomes is helpful. Some knowledge of relaxation techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy will be very helpful. List specific evening hours required: None required, but some available. Supervision Requirements individual, group, time, day): Average of 1.5 individual/group supervision hours per week (1-3 hours each week). Adults, Older Adults, occasional Child and Adolescent Cognitive/Behavioral, Behavioral Medicine, Eclectic ✔ Individual, Brief (4-12 sessions), Short-term (3-6 months), Long-term (6+ months) Behavioral/Cognitive, Biopsychosocial, Intelligence, Physiological, Personality 014