2017-2018 Practicum Brochure - Doctoral Program

'DWH /DVW 0RGLILHG 3URJUDP ,QVWLWXWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW $GGUHVV 6XSHUYLVRU 1DPH DQG 'HJUHH 6XSHUYLVRU (PDLO 6XSHUYLVRU 3KRQH :HE $GGUHVV &RQWDFW (PDLO 727$/ 3/$&(0(176 $9$,/$%/( )25 <($5 7+,6 6(&7,21 0867 %( ),//(' ,1 (9(5< <($5 7RWDO QXPEHU RI VWXGHQWV ZH ZLOO WDNH IURP 1RYD __ __ (a + b) a) 1XPEHU RI VXPPHU VWDUWV : __ __ (a) b) 1XPEHU RI IDOO VWDUWV : __ __ (b) 1XPEHU RI VWXGHQWV E\ \HDU VKRXOG HTXDO RI WRWDO VWXGHQWV LQ DERYH x 1 st year practicum students: __ __ x 2 nd year practicum students: __ __ x Elective practicum students: __ __ &+(&. $// 63(&,$/ 352*5$0 5(48,5(0(176 )25 '2,1* $ 35$&7,&80 $7 <285 $*(1&< 7+,6 6(&7,21 0867 %( ),//(' ,1 (9(5< <($5 _ _What Level Screen Req’d? _ _Interview Required _ _Fingerprints Required _ _Proof of Immunization _ _Do <28 conduct the background checks _ _Spanish Speakers 2QO\ _ _Drug Test Required? _ _ Do <28 conduct the drug tests _ _TB Screening Required _ _Physical Required _ _Proof of Health Insurance Required _ _Physician's Statement of Readiness for Practicum Req’d _ _ $GGLWLRQDO 5HTXLUHG 7UDLQLQJ 3UHUHTXLVLWHV (classes, degrees, experience, etc. that is outside of the regular required curriculum/grades): 6WXGHQWV PXVW WDNH : _ _ Are there PDQGDWRU\ WUDLQLQJ VHVVLRQV before starting? If yes, describe : See “Site Requirements” below /&8 "SF UIFSF DPTUT UP QBSL /0 :&4 *G ZFT IPX NVDI QFS EBZ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ September 2016 Broward Health North (prev. North Broward Medical Center) In-Patient Rehabilitation Unit mwesterfeld@browardhealth.org Madelin M. Westerfeld, Psy.D. 201 East Sample Rd, Deerfield Beach, FL 33064 954-786-6423 mwesterfeld@browardhealth.org North Broward Medical Center - Rehabilitation Unit Other Site ✔ 0-1 1-2 1 n/a 1-2 0-1 1 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ 17 18 Behavioral Assessment Case conceptualization, Adult Psychopathology, Interviewing ✔ 139