2017-2018 Practicum Brochure - Doctoral Program

Can students tape sessions with clients using an intervention (not assessment or testin J ) with an informed consent? Yes No . 7 he referring agency must also provide written consent to permit the student to tape sessions. Number of hours per week required: DESCRIBE SPECIFIC SITE REQUIREMENTS: SHORT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION (250 words or less): CLINICAL DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Client Population(s): Treatment Modality: Assessment Types: Theoretical Orientation: The Anxiety Treatment Center provides state-of-the-art assessment and evidence-based treatment for community members (children, adolescents, and adults) suffering from anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related conditions. In particular, the clinic specializes in treatment of panic disorder, social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and specific phobias. Additionally, treatment is offered to those experiencing OCD, hoarding, body dysmorphic disorder, trichotillomania, and skin picking disorder. Anxiety disorders are a serious health problem in the United States, with estimates of 15 to 25% of the population suffering from an anxiety disorder at any particular time. Empirically-supported treatments of anxiety disorders have been found to be successful for treating these disorders. These treatments have been well-documented and are constantly being refined. The most current treatment protocols have been manualized and provide a nice structure for new clinicians to learn about this type of treatment. Student-practitioners in the Anxiety Treatment Center will be exposed to treatment methodologies and assessments that are empirically-supported. They will also receive training in report writing, treatment planning, and develop strong therapy skills. Training is intended to prepare the student for a successful CCE defense and successful internship placement. 1st year: 10 hours, 2nd: 15 hours Mandatory Training Sessions: PSC clinic training. Students must attend intensive training in assessment and treatment prior to beginning the practicum. Students must take PSY4669 Clinical Interventions in Anxiety Disorders (w/Dr. Siev) before practicum. Didactics throughout the year. Required Training Prerequisites: Students must have familiarity with cognitive-behavioral treatment of anxiety (e.g., from PSY4669). However, training in this will take place. Students are expected to take their clinical duties seriously, including attention to routine clinic details (e.g., file management) and client contact (e.g., practicing to the highest ethical standards, being on time and prepared for clinic sessions, etc.). Other requirements: Outside reading (e.g., books, assessment and treatment manuals) will be required so that the student can function as a full member of the assessment and treatment team. List specific evening hours required: Generally required, but students are free to schedule as they wish. Supervision Requirements (e.g., individual, group, time, day): One supervisor. Supervision will be held in group and individual format each week. Adolescents, Adults, Children Cognitive, Behavioral ✔ Individual, Group, Brief (4-12 sessions), Short-term (3-6 months), Long-term (6+ months) Behavioral/Cogniitive 012