College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

140 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 Jewish Pharmacy Student Organization (JPSO) The JPSO motivates and equips pharmacy students to practice faith in Judaism in their personal and professional lives. The group provides Jewish pharmacy students the opportunity to learn about Judaism via a Lunch and Learn program, as well as learn about pharmacy practice and leadership through health care professionals during chapter meetings. Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity (ΚΨ) The Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity promotes and maintains a serious atmosphere through its professional programs and thus supplies an intellectual stimulus essential in pursuing college work in pharmacy. The fraternity also provides social functions and professional activities to develop qualities of leadership for the general growth of members and the profession of pharmacy. National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) The NCPA provides pharmacy students with the opportunity to interact with successful pharmacy practitioners across the nation in order to build a career in an independent pharmacy setting. Information on how to start your own pharmacy through financing and management is presented, as well as strategies on successful retail operations. A matching service that brings together employers and employees is provided, as well as a listing of pharmacies that are for sale. Legislative and regulatory developments are supplied to the students. Numerous scholarships and loans are available. Phi Delta Chi (ΦΔΘ) Phi Delta Chi is a pharmacy fraternity formed to advance the science of pharmacy and its allied interests and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its members. This lifelong fraternity supports its brothers (both male and female) throughout pharmacy school and beyond, placing importance on individual growth through social, personal, and leadership opportunities. Phi Lambda Sigma (ΦΛΣ) Phi Lambda Sigma, the national pharmacy leadership society, promotes the development of leadership in pharmacy, especially among pharmacy students. Membership crosses fraternal and organizational lines and, therefore, the society does not compete with any other organization. By peer recognition, the society encourages participation in all pharmacy activities. It recognizes those students, alumni, faculty members, and practicing pharmacists who have assumed leadership roles in pharmacy. Such recognition serves to instill self-confidence and to promote greater efforts toward furthering the profession of pharmacy. Students who are eligible for membership shall be of high moral and ethical character, shall be at least in their second year of education at an accredited college of pharmacy, and shall maintain an academic performance minimum of 78 percentile on a 100-percentile scale. No more than 5 percent of each class is inducted into Phi Lambda Sigma, and inductees are selected on the basis of their demonstration of dedication, service, and leadership toward the advancement of pharmacy. Rho Chi (Px) Membership in Rho Chi, the national honor society for pharmacy, is a privilege accorded to a few who distinguish themselves by their academic and professional achievements. This society believes in education and the pursuit of intellectual excellence. Members are selected on the basis of academic excellence. They must rank in the highest 20 percent of the class and have obtained a scholastic average equivalent to the second-highest letter grade. Students are eligible after completing six semesters or