College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

138 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 expanding and applying evidence-based medication-use strategies that strengthen member and population health outcomes, while elevating health care resources. Members receive AMCP periodicals and other educational materials, attend national meetings, visit practice sites, shadow practitioners, and have speakers and discussion meetings on managed care topics. Alpha Zeta Omega (AZO) AZO is a pharmaceutical fraternity composed of pharmacists and pharmacy students selected on the basis of character, fellowship, and scholarship. The objectives of the fraternity are to promote the profession of pharmacy; to develop high standards of scholarship; to inculcate a spirit of fellowship amongst its members; to bring together a body of men and women who, by diligent maintenance of ethical ideals and faithful service, have proven to be a credit to their chosen profession; to honor achievement in others; to commend all worthy deeds; and to build within the fraternity a triangle composed of three supporting sides—peace, friendship, and brotherly love. American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists (AAPP) The AAPP is devoted to the advancement of the education, practice, and science of psychiatric and neurologic pharmacy. It strives to help build a world where all individuals living with mental illness, including those with substance abuse and neurologic disorders, receive safe, appropriate, and effective treatment. Its objectives are to facilitate the dissemination of information regarding psychotherapeutic agents, patient care, and community support. Additionally, the AAPP facilitates programs in the areas of psychiatric and neurologic pharmacy at national meetings that support its interests, improve patient care, and promote research in patient care. By providing numerous interactive and educational events, the student chapter strives to incorporate mental health awareness into the forefront of pharmacy education. Its mission is to advance the reach and practice of psychiatric pharmacy and serve as the voice of the specialty. American Pharmacists Association—Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) The APhA-ASP is the student branch of America’s largest and oldest association of pharmacists—the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). This pharmacy organization represents all practice settings, and at present, has more than 10,000 student members attending the schools and colleges of pharmacy across the country. The APhA-ASP has representation within the organization and has its own standing committees on education programs, publications, awards, and policy. Each member also receives the full benefits of APhA membership and, through periodic publications and meetings, can stay current on the developments and events that affect the practice of pharmacy. At the local level, student members can participate in service projects that benefit both the college and the community, as well as social activities that foster school spirit. Any pharmacy student can be a member of the APhA-ASP and still be eligible for participation in any other campus organization. American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) The ASCP is the international professional association that provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources to advance the practice of senior care pharmacy. Consultant pharmacists specializing in senior care pharmacy are essential participants in the healthcare system, recognized and valued for the practice of pharmaceutical care for the senior population and people with chronic illnesses. In their role as medication therapy experts, consultant pharmacists take responsibility for their patients’ medication-related needs; ensure their patients’ medications are the most appropriate, the most