College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

130 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 for courses designated with a graduate-level course number that were passed with a minimum grade of B. Credit will not be transferred if previous credit was used to earn a degree from the granting institution and must be approved by the associate dean of the student’s program. All Ph.D. dissertation research must be completed at NSU under the supervision of a Silverman College of Pharmacy faculty member. Exam Policies Failure to follow exam behavior protocol may be considered as evidence of academic dishonesty. 1. Students must arrive promptly for the exam. No additional time will be given for students who arrive late. 2. Students may not enter the classroom after the first person has left the exam room. 3. A student may not leave the exam room unless accompanied by a faculty member or facilitator. 4. Talking or other disruptive behaviors are not allowed. 5. Cheating, or the appearance of cheating, will not be tolerated. 6. U nnecessary materials (backpacks, cell phones, books, etc.) must be placed in the front of the room. 7. Cell phones must be turned OFF. 8. F ailure to completely and accurately fill in all requested information on the examination forms may result in loss of points as indicated on the exam. 9. B oth the exam and the answer sheet must be turned in at the conclusion of the exam unless otherwise instructed. 10. Makeup exams will be given for excused absences only. Students with an excused absence for an examination will receive a makeup exam at the discretion and convenience of the faculty coordinator. The date and time of the makeup assessment will be provided to the student via NSU email. (See Excused Absence Policy.) Remediation Policy Remediation of a failed course is allowed by course repetition the next time it is offered at the Silverman College of Pharmacy. Graduation Requirements for the Ph.D. Program To receive a Ph.D. degree, students must fulfill the following requirements: 1. Students must successfully complete the requirements of the curriculum within seven years with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. 2. Prior to graduation, all students must have one first author publication (accepted, in press, or published).