College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 127 Students appealing a suspension or dismissal from the college must submit a written appeal letter to the chair of the Appeals Committee within 10 business days (excluding school holidays and weekends) from the date of the letter advising of the dean’s decision. The appeal must contain a concise statement of all relevant facts and the result sought. The letter should be delivered to the associate dean of the student’s program, who will deliver it to the chair of the Appeals Committee with documentation concerning the original decision before the appeal. Any appeals not submitted to the chair of the Appeals Committee within this time frame may not be heard. 1. Membership The Appeals Committee shall consist of the designees from the Silverman College of Pharmacy. One member will be designated as the chair of the committee by the dean of the Silverman College of Pharmacy. The chair of the SPCC will attend the meeting when the student is appealing an SPCC decision but will not participate in the voting. One representative from Student Services (or Student Affairs) from the student’s home campus will attend the hearing but will not participate in the voting. The chair may request the attendance of the associate dean of the student’s program or the assistant dean of the regional campus, when appropriate, in an advisory capacity only. 2. Hearing Guidelines The student appeal hearing is an informal proceeding. No rules of evidence will be used. The hearing shall be internal, private, and closed to nonuniversity persons. Nonuniversity personnel are not available for consultation during these hearings. All procedures and actions are aimed to safeguard and preserve the educational and developmental mission of the Silverman College of Pharmacy. The student will be notified at least 10 business days (excluding school holidays and weekends) of the date, place, and time of the hearing via the student’s NSU email account and certified mail to the student’s last-known address. Any student whose presence is requested and fails to appear at the designated date and time will waive the student’s right to appeal. If requested by the committee, the student will provide the chair with a written list of any witnesses no later than two business days (excluding school holidays and weekends) before the hearing date. Only witnesses with direct information that is new, and has not been presented previously to the dean or the SPCC, will be considered. 3. Hearing Protocol and Process • The Appeals Committee hearing will proceed under the direction of the chair. • A quorum must be present to convene an official appeal hearing and will be constituted by a simple majority of the voting membership, including the chair (more than 50 percent of the committee members). • The chair will convene the hearing with only committee members present. • The chair will advise the committee members of the charge(s) and the dean’s decision, review the evidence, respond to any questions, and provide opportunity for any additional input from ex-officio members. • Summary notes of the hearing must be taken by the chair.