College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

126 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 • The student will be present only during the student’s testimony and shall not be present during the questioning of any witnesses. • The chair will introduce the student to the committee. • The student will have an opportunity to present statements to the committee and respond to any questions from the committee. • The chair will then dismiss the student from the hearing. • The committee members will render a decision by a majority vote of the voting members in attendance. The committee may delay the vote if it determines that additional information or facts are needed before a vote. • The chair will participate in the voting process only in the case of a tie or if the chair is counted to make quorum. The recommendations of the SPCC and all reports, letters, and investigative records will be maintained in the files of the associate dean of the student’s program for no less than five years after the date of the meeting. While SPCC recommendations and all reports, letters, and investigative records will not be maintained as part of the student’s permanent records, disciplinary actions may be noted on the student’s academic transcript (e.g., disciplinary probation, suspension, dismissal, etc.) 4. Notification of the SPCC Decision The recommendation of the SPCC will be forwarded, in writing, by the chair to the dean and associate dean of the student’s program. The dean may elect to agree with the committee or adjust the committee’s decision. The student will be notified via the student’s NSU email account and certified mail to the student’s last-known address. If the dean’s decision would result in the student’s dismissal or suspension from the academic program, the student may choose to appeal the decision to the college’s Appeals Committee (see Appeals Committee section) within 10 business days (excluding school holidays and weekends) of the date of the notification. Appeals Committee The Silverman College of Pharmacy Appeals Committee reviews, hears, and evaluates student appeals of suspension and dismissal decisions from all programs in the Silverman College of Pharmacy and, after deliberation, will make a final decision to uphold or overturn the decision. All decisions of the Appeals Committee are final and binding, and no further requests for appeal will be considered. The committee will only review, hear, and evaluate appeals of decisions made by the SPCC in the event that • the student has new, relevant evidence that was not available during the investigation or adjudication and that would substantially alter the outcome of the case • information that the applicable university procedures were not followed, and the deviance would substantially alter the outcome of the case