Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 125 2. Students must be of good moral character. 3. S tudents must satisfactorily meet all financial, library, and university obligations (to receive credentials). 4. Students must submit an application for degree/diploma to the registrar’s office by the posted deadline. Student Conduct Conduct Students in the Silverman College of Pharmacy are expected to conduct themselves in a professional, ethical, and legal manner at all times. Students are expected to abide by the regulations of the college and university and avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all activities. Academic Honesty Candidates and students are held to the high standards of intellectual and professional integrity befitting the profession they are entering. While students have an obligation to assist fellow students in meeting common goals of their education, dishonest acts will subject students to immediate disciplinary actions up to, and including, dismissal from the college. Academic dishonesty is considered a serious academic offense by the faculty members and administration of this university. The Silverman College of Pharmacy does not tolerate cheating, plagiarism, or deceptions of any manner. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, any attempt to pass examinations or assessments by improper means, to present work not performed by the student, or to aid or abet any dishonest act. Some examples are copying answers from another student’s test paper, using notes or answers during a test without approval of the instructor, having another student take your examination or sign an attendance roster for you, and plagiarism—which includes submitting a paper you did not write as your own or using any portion of another writer’s material without citing the source. Students are required to acquaint themselves with the specific course requirements and regulations of the college and the university. Instructors have the authority to give a failing grade for the assessment and/or course to students who demonstrate academic dishonesty. Instructors will also refer any cases of academic dishonesty to the Student Professional Conduct Committee, which will review and forward recommended action, up to dismissal, to the dean and associate dean of the respective program. Students may be prohibited from • registering for classes online via Self-Service Banner, and must meet with an academic adviser to complete a manual registration each semester