College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

120 Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 • attend live classes AND all review sessions for all current courses, until academic probation is complete Pharm.D. students may also be required to repeat or audit courses based on the recommendation of the associate dean, professional program, and/or director of academic support services when deemed appropriate. The student’s overall academic record, trends toward progression, and feasibility of successful completion will be continually monitored. Pharm.D. students must successfully complete all required didactic and elective courses, as well as IPPEs before being eligible to begin APPEs. Ph.D. students must successfully complete all first- and second-year courses prior to taking required comprehensive exams and assessments. Academic Probation Academic probation is defined as a period during which a student has the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to improve grades effectively and achieve satisfactory academic progress. Any one of the following will result in academic probation: • semester GPA below 2.0 for the Pharm.D. or M.S. in Pharmaceutical Affairs programs and below 3.0 in the Ph.D. or M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences programs • failure of any didactic or experiential course • repeating an academic year Students on academic probation will remain at that status until their semester GPA is raised appropriately and failed courses are successfully remediated. While on academic probation, students are prohibited from • registering for classes online via Self-Service Banner and must meet with an academic adviser at their campus each semester in order to register • being elected or holding an office in any honorary, student, and/or college-sponsored organization • being placed on the President’s or Dean’s List, or any honor roll Participation in any of the aforementioned activities by a student on probation is a violation of the probationary period. Students on academic probation are expected to seek assistance, limit extracurricular activities, and limit or discontinue hours of employment to have the best chance of academic success in the program. The Offices of Student Affairs/Services and Academic Support Services will be notified accordingly. Other activities may be restricted by the associate dean of the student’s program. Students on academic probation will be notified via NSU email and by certified mail to their mailing address located in SelfService Banner. Academic Dismissal Any one of the following will result in academic dismissal: • cumulative GPA below 2.0 for the Pharm.D. and M.S. in Pharmaceutical Affairs programs and below 3.0 in the Ph.D. or M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences programs