College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 113 The college reserves the right—and the student, by the student’s act of matriculation, concedes to the college the right—to require withdrawal, academic probation, academic suspension, or academic dismissal, at any time the college deems it necessary to safeguard its standards of scholarship, professional behavior, and compliance with regulations, or for such other reasons as deemed appropriate. Satisfactory Academic Progress A student making satisfactory academic progress (SAP) is defined as one who has passed at least 66.7 percent of attempted credits; successfully passes any repeated courses; and is on track to complete the degree program in no more than six years for entry-level students, five years for advanced-standing students, two years for M.S. in Pharmaceutical Affairs students, four years for M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences students, and seven years for Ph.D. students. Students receiving federal or state aid must meet all SAP requirements to be eligible for federal and/or state financial aid. For more information visit Academic Promotion The progress of each student through the curriculum requires continuous satisfactory academic performance. Since many of the curriculum’s courses are offered only once per year, a student may have a revised study plan when not making satisfactory academic progress each semester. This will likely increase the student’s time in the program. Promotion is defined as progression from one student level to the next. A student will be promoted to the next level if the student has • satisfactorily completed all courses in that academic year • maintained satisfactory academic progress, with a minimum cumulative and term GPA of 2.0 for the Pharm.D. or M.S. in Pharmaceutical Affairs programs and 3.0 in the Ph.D. or M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences programs Pharm.D. students who do not meet the above criteria will not advance and will be placed on a revised study plan. Students with a term GPA lower than 2.0 are required to • retake failed courses in their entirety the next time courses are offered (see Remediation Policy in this handbook) • attend live classes AND all review sessions for all current courses, until academic probation is complete Pharm.D. students may also be required to repeat or audit courses based on the recommendation of the associate dean, professional program, and/or director of academic support services when deemed appropriate. The student’s overall academic record, trends toward progression, and feasibility of successful completion will be continually monitored. Pharm.D. students must successfully complete all required didactic and elective courses, as well as IPPEs before being eligible to begin APPEs. Ph.D. students must successfully complete all first- and second-year courses prior to taking required comprehensive exams and assessments.