College of Pharmacy Student Handbook 2024-2025

Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy 2024–2025 111 reasonable measures to enforce the spirit of this policy in keeping with the expectations of society and the profession of pharmacy. This policy is in effect for all examinations given within the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Student Expectations 1. Students will adhere to the Pharm.D. Student Examination Policy and Code of Conduct during all examination-related activities. This includes, but is not limited to, a. examination sessions (the examination session starts as soon as students enter the room) b. examination reviews (group or individual) 2. Students will follow all examination procedures as outlined in the Pharm.D. Student Examination Procedures (see Pharm.D. Student Examination Procedures section). 3. Students will bring all required materials to each examination session (see Examination Materials section). 4. Students will avoid wearing restricted attire and leave all restricted items at home or in a closed bag at the front of the examination room. Students wearing restricted attire or possessing restricted items may be penalized (see Restrictions and Examination Penalties sections). 5. Students will attend all examinations. Absences (and subsequent makeup examinations) require appropriate documentation and approval from the Office of Student Services. 6. Students will be on time for examinations. Students arriving after the password is shared in the examination room will be restricted from taking the examination and/or be subject to penalty (see Examination Penalties section). 7. Students will behave professionally and show respect for classmates and proctors. Disruptive students may be dismissed from the examination. 8. Students will comply with proctor requests to turn out pockets, remove jackets, change position, or provide other means to demonstrate compliance with the examination policy. All items are subject to inspection. 9. Students are not permitted to swap assigned seats with other students. Students will stay in their assigned seats until their examination is completed unless otherwise directed by the proctor. If there is a need to communicate with a proctor, students should raise their hands. 10. Students will report acts of academic dishonesty during an examination as soon as possible, as follows: a. Students should alert a proctor, when possible, so the proctor may assess the situation. b. If academic dishonesty is suspected, the proctor will alert the course coordinator. Cases of suspected dishonesty will be referred to the assistant dean of Accreditation and Assessment and assistant dean of Student Services for further evaluation, which may result in referral to the Student Professional Conduct Committee (SPCC).