NSU COMMENCEMENT 2025 ay of D ASSEMBLY AND ROBING—ARRIVE EARLY Candidates should plan to arrive when the Don Taft University Center doors open, at least one hour prior to their ceremony start time and proceed to the second floor of the RecPlex to main assembly area. The procession will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Be aware that the arena doors will temporarily close to guests during the opening processional and the playing of The StarSpangled Banner and reopen afterwards on a space-available basis. DOOR OPENINGS, SEATING, AND TICKETS Families, friends, and guests are invited to attend NSU Commencement ceremonies. Tickets are not required but seating in the Rick Case Arena at the Don Taft University Center is limited and available on a first-come, first-seated basis. Large groups of guests, wishing to sit together, should arrive when the arena doors first open—one hour prior to the published start time of the ceremony. Due to the size of the Rick Case Arena and as a courtesy to all guests, the saving of seats is strictly prohibited. Please be advised that the arena doors will temporarily close to guests during the opening processional and the playing of The StarSpangled Banner and reopen afterwards on a space-available basis. NO CHILDCARE SERVICE ON SITE Candidates are not permitted to bring children to the NSU RecPlex, on the arena floor, or on stage. SIMULCAST LOCATIONS Guests will have the opportunity to view a live telecast of the ceremony via closed circuit televisions at selected locations in and around the Don Taft University Center. Seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The sign language interpreter is visible on the live telecast screen. The simulcast viewing is not closed captioned. All NSU Commencement ceremonies are also video streamed in real time. Visit the NSU Commencement website and click on the “2025 Live-Stream Ceremony Links”. All commencement video streams are archived on the NSU Commencement website approximately one week after the ceremony. PROGRAMS An official printed program will be provided for all Commencement candidates at their seats. Commencement programs are available online for guests at nova.edu/commencement/. WEAR APPROPRIATE ACADEMIC ATTIRE Every candidate must wear approved cap and gown to participate in commencement. NSU regalia are blue for baccalaureate candidates and gray for all other degrees. No tennis shoes or sneakers should be worn, please. Articles of clothing that will be visible at the neck and below the gown should be in keeping with the conservative style of the academic attire. For master’s and specialist degree candidates, the hood should be secured so that it will not slip off the shoulders. The cap, which may need bobby pins to stay on your head, is worn parallel to the ground. Baccalaureate degree candidates will wear their regalia to the graduation lineup site with their tassel to the right. Master’s and Specialist degree candidates will wear their hoods throughout the entire ceremony with their tassel to the left. Doctoral degree candidates will carry their hoods on stage where they will be hooded with their tassel to the left. (watch Hooding Video) DO NOT BRING PERSONAL ITEMS For everyone’s safety, all bags may be checked by security at the door. Do not bring purses or other personal items. Students are asked not to carry anything in the ceremony because, after crossing the stage, you may be placed in a different seat. There is no place to check or store purses, jackets, or other personal items. PHOTOGRAPHY Personal photographs may be taken only before and after the ceremony. Spectators are not permitted in the aisles, on the main floor of the arena or the stage during or after the ceremony. RELAX AND ENJOY YOUR CEREMONY The ceremony will last approximately two to two- and-a-half hours. Out of courtesy to all of our graduates, we ask that you remain for the duration of the ceremony. WHAT TO DO and WHAT TO EXPECT commencement For the protection of all, the following items are not permitted inside Commencement ceremonies at the Don Taft University Center: wrapped gifts air horns balloons duffle bags backpacks, backpack-style purses diaper bags waist packs oversized/large purses alcohol bottles, thermos, cans, glass containers coolers food drugs weapons fireworks, noisemakers laser pointers chains, spikes strollers selfie sticks banners or signs larger than 2’ x 3’ any other item deemed dangerous to public safety No animals, except certified service animals, will be admitted. All guests are subject to screening through metal detectors or metal detector wands by a security staff member, and all bags are subject to inspection upon entering the venue. No facilities are available for storing purses or other personal items. Candidates must leave these items with their guests. Neither the venue nor NSU is responsible for items left unattended. SECURITY GUIDELINES