2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook
Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Graduate Certificate in Health Professions Preparation Program 2021–2022 376 The following are considered excused absences for examinations: a. death and funeral in the immediate family (spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, in-law, sibling, child, aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew) b. personal illness, only when diagnosed and documented in writing by the physician who evaluated and treated the student at the time of the absence c. other extenuating circumstances, which must be approved by the director of the Certificate in Health Professions Preparation, with the appropriate documentation for the reason ALL excused absence documentation must be approved by the director of the Graduate Certificate in Health Professions Preparation Program and the assistant dean of Student Affairs. A student with an excused absence will be offered a make-up examination and will receive his or her earned grade. A student with an unexcused absence will be offered a make-up examination and will receive a maximum grade of 70 percent on that examination. F. Failure to Report a Violation Every member of the college community (e.g., students, administrators, and faculty and staff members) has the duty to file a complaint with the Graduate Student Progress and Advising Committee (SPAC) whenever it is felt a violation of the code has occurred. Failure to report a violation of the code of conduct is itself a violation. All members of the college community have an affirmative duty to participate in the inquiry or investigative complaint process. G. Illegal, Inappropriate, and Unprofessional Behavior No student shall display disorderly conduct; public intoxication; or lewd, indecent, or obscene behavior on the campus or at any college-sponsored or college-supervised function or event. No student shall intentionally or recklessly endanger or threaten the mental or physical health or well- being of any other member of the college community or any visitor to the campus. Students who exhibit illegal, inappropriate, or unprofessional behavior will be referred to the Graduate Student Progress and Advising Committee (SPAC) and/or proper authorities for disciplinary action and may be subject to dismissal. H. Violation of Public Laws Students are required to notify the assistant dean of Student Affairs in writing within 10 business days of any arrest, regardless of the reason, that occurs while they are enrolled in the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program. Any act that constitutes a violation of public laws may establish cause for referral to the Graduate Student Progress and Advising Committee (SPAC) and disciplinary action.
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