2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook
Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Couple and Family Therapy 2021–2022 356 C. Suspension Suspension bars a student from attending school for a defined period of time if, in the opinion of the dean, the student has not attained the academic level and/or has deviated from the academic standards and/or standards of behavior established by the college. A suspended student will be removed from academic enrollment with revocation of all other privileges or activities, including the privilege of entering the campus for a specified period of time. A student who chooses to appeal a suspension must do so within 10 business days of the date of suspension. While appealing a suspension, a student may continue to attend classes and take all examinations in the usual manner. Time spent in suspension is charged against the degree program time limit (five years for master’s degree and seven years for doctoral degree). Suspension cannot be less than the remainder of the academic year if the interruption to classes, field experience courses, and practicums will result in the failure of current courses. D. Dismissal Dismissal is the permanent termination of a student’s academic enrollment. As with all disciplinary actions, the dean is responsible for imposing this recommendation. A student who chooses to appeal a dismissal must do so within 10 business days of the date of dismissal. While appealing a dismissal, a student may continue to attend classes and take all examinations in the usual manner. The reasons for which a student may be dismissed from KPCOM’s Department of Couple and Family Therapy include, but are not limited to, • failure of courses amounting to 6 or more credit hours (see Repeat Courses/Grade Replacement section in this handbook) • exceeding the time limit for completing all graduation requirements (five years for master’s degree and seven years for doctoral degree), exclusive of any approved leave of absence in good standing • circumstances of a legal, moral, behavioral, ethical, or academic nature that warrant such action Grievances and Appeals A. Nongrade-Related Grievance Any student has the right to seek redress of a grievance with immunity from disciplinary action or retaliation consistent with local, state, and federal rules, regulations, and laws. For a student to address a grievance, he or she must use the following procedures: 1. The student will present the grievance to the program director.
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