2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2021–2022 190 Student Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology (SAOG) SAOG aims to provide NSU medical students who are interested in pursuing ob/gyn as a career with all the information and advice necessary to achieve their goals. The club hosts many information sessions about women’s health and residency led by ob/gyn physicians from many different hospitals and provides its students with many community service opportunities. Email: kb297@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Katina Brown-Burgess, D.O. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus and Tampa Bay Regional Campus Student Dermatology Organization (SDA) SDA is an organization that provides students with the opportunity to gain insight into dermatology. It accomplishes its mission by inviting dermatologists to speak about their training and residency journey and it allows members to network. The group offers different volunteer opportunities, such as a sunscreen awareness event at Hollywood Beach, an outreach dermatology high school talk, and school health fairs. SDA’s flagship events are its resident panel with dermatologists from accredited dermatology residency programs, research opportunities, and talks with local program directors. Email: mbeckler@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Michelle Demory-Beckler, Ph.D. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus Email: jmiglioz@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Joseph Migliozzi, M.D., Ph.D. Location: Tampa Bay Regional Campus Student National Medical Association (SNMA) SNMA is a national organization committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent, and socially conscious physicians. The group’s aim is to serve the health needs of underserved communities and communities of color. In addition, it wants to work with the Medical Association of Premedical Students (MAPS) by fostering relationships and establishing mentorship programs to promote cultivation and growth of future physician leaders. In addition, the group is dedicated both to ensuring that medical education and services are culturally sensitive to the needs of diverse populations and to increasing the number of African-American, Latino, and other students of color entering and completing medical school. Email: Nsucom_snma@yahoo.com Faculty adviser: Paula Anderson-Worts, D.O. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus