2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2021–2022 188 Radiology Club The Radiology Club fosters interest and education on the professions of both interventional and diagnostic radiology. Through didactic lectures, students have the benefit of learning how to evaluate images which can serve them well in their clerkship years. Faculty adviser: Jordan Ditchek, M.D. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) The RAK mission statement is to promote kindness across HPD. It strives to create a positive atmosphere that helps foster interprofessional relationships on campus. It encourages and supports fellow peers through a RAK compliment page—providing free hugs and high fives during exam weeks and working with other organizations to raise awareness/funds for charitable causes. Email: nwidboom@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Nathan Widboom, D.O. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus Sigma Sigma Phi Sigma Sigma Phi is an honorary osteopathic service fraternity. Its objectives and purposes are to further the science of osteopathic medicine and its standards of practice, to improve the scholastic standing and promote a higher degree of fellowship among its students, to bring about a closer relationship and understanding between the student bodies and the officials and members of the faculties of NSU’s colleges, to foster allegiance to the American Osteopathic Association, and to perpetuate these principles and the teachings through the maintenance and development of the organization. Email: applicationssp@gmail.com Faculty advisers: Glenn Moran, D.O., Jill Wallace-Ross, D.O., and Cyril Blavo, D.O., M.S., M.P.H. Location: KPCOM-wide (one group of officers for both campuses) Society of Medical Oncology (SOMO) SOMO was established in recognition of the increasing need of cancer patients for holistic and personalized care. Its main objective is to promote both basic and clinical knowledge of medical oncology to passionate KPCOM medical students. To do so, SOMO will host opportunities for members to delve into local communities to educate the public on carcinogens and advocate healthy lifestyles to minimize the risk of developing cancer. SOMO provides research internship opportunities at the Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research so that its members will have a better understanding of fundamental mechanisms underlying oncogenesis. The group’s main mission is to promote the presence of osteopathic physicians in the field of medical oncology to better care for cancer patients. Email: mbeckler@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Michelle Demory-Beckler, Ph.D. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus