2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2021–2022 187 Pediatrics Club The mission of the Pediatrics Club is to develop and encourage osteopathic medical students interested in pediatrics. The club is not only for those desiring to specialize in pediatrics, but also for students interested in family medicine and other fields in which pediatric patients will be encountered. Meetings with guest speakers from a variety of pediatric specialties are held frequently, as are social and fund- raising events. The club participates in a range of community events such as A Day for Children and programs targeting youth education on health and well-being, as well as visits to local pediatric hospitals. Email: efernan2@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Elizabeth Fernandez, D.O. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus Email: bp405@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Bruce Peters, D.O. Location: Tampa Bay Regional Campus Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation This club’s goal is to promote and bring awareness to the field. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation physicians, also known as physiatrists, treat medical conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. It also hopes to bring awareness to the numerous subspecialties such as brain injury medicine, hospice and palliative medicine, neuromuscular medicine, pain medicine, pediatric rehabilitation medicine, spinal cord injury medicine, and/or sports medicine. Emails: li55@nova.edu and rjoseph1@nova.edu Faculty advisers: Lailah Issac, D.O. and Roody Joseph, D.P.T. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus Plant-Based Healthcare (PBH) Interest Group Osteopathic physicians have long utilized nutrition in holistic practice, but healthy eating has become increasingly critical. We live today in a country plagued by preventable chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. Half of all Americans are projected to be obese by 2030. Plant-Based Healthcare serves to promote an alternative future. Its mission is to engage NSU HPD students in the medically established role of meat, dairy, and egg reduction in preventing and managing chronic illnesses. Compared to animal products, plant foods also produce a fraction of the greenhouse gas emissions and animal suffering. Plant-Based Healthcare contends that human health means little on an uninhabitable planet and animal mistreatment on modern factory farms is inconsistent with an obligation as physicians to minimize harm and practice compassion. Through potluck meals, clinician speakers, and film screenings, the group educates each other on the benefits of plant-based eating. It also advocates for increased plant-based options on campus, in affiliated hospitals, and for increased plant-based nutrition in medical curricula at NSU MD and beyond. Email: nwidboom@nova.edu Faculty adviser: Nathan Widboom, D.O. Location: Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus