2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2021–2022 132 5. M4 Selective and Elective Rotations a. Elective Rotations Students are responsible for setting up their own elective rotations. These rotations may be conducted in almost any site of the students’ choosing; however, the designated preceptor must be board certified in the discipline indicated. Students must submit elective applications to the Office of Osteopathic Clinical Education at least 60 days in advance. Many elective rotation sites require legal documentation between their institution and the KPCOM. Legal communications take time, and if not planned well, may lead to the inability to rotate at a desired site. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure all paperwork for elective rotations are completed in a timely manner. b. “Twelve-Week Same Discipline Rule” for Elective Rotations Electives can be in any of the recognized disciplines of medicine as identified in the HPD Catalog listing of clinical rotations in the KPCOM Course of Study section. However, a student cannot set up more than twelve weeks of elective time in the same exact discipline of medicine or surgery (the subspecialties of a core specialty of medicine or surgery are considered different disciplines). Students may utilize elective time to pursue patient care, research, public health, academic medicine, or international opportunities. c. Selective Rotations Students must complete one selective block in the rural or urban medically underserved setting and one selective block in General Internal Medicine or an Internal Medicine Subspecialty or Neurology. The application must be submitted to the Office of Osteopathic Clinical Education at least 60 days in advance. The selective rotations are not subject to the “twelve-week rule” and may be used in any specialty or subspecialty of the student’s choosing, as long as the request adheres to the requirements for that selective. The request is to be submitted at least 60 days prior to the beginning of the rotation and the preceptor indicated must be board certified in the field indicated. d. Two-Week Elective Rotations Students may take up to four two-week elective rotations subject to the approval of the preceptor and the director or assistant dean of the Office of Osteopathic Clinical Education. See application approval process in Canvas/E-Medley. The two-week rotations must be for a minimum of two consecutive weeks or ten consecutive weekdays. No elective requests for less than a period of two weeks will be allowed. 6. M3 and M4—Rural and Urban Underserved Rotations a. M3 Core Rotations All OMS3 students will participate in two four-week blocks of medically underserved community rotation experiences. All students will be assigned to these rotation experiences to KPCOM-affiliated