2021 - 2022 COM Student Handbook
Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Osteopathic Medicine Program 2021–2022 116 3. Academic Records Student academic record retention guidelines have been established by NSU’s Office of the University Registrar. To review or request a copy of these guidelines, contact the university registrar. Banner is the software used as NSU’s student information system. Banner contains data for each student, including personal information, admissions data/documentation for applicants (whether accepted, denied acceptance, enrolled, or not enrolled), registration and academic progress/attendance records, financial/tuition charges, statistical data/documents, institutional reports, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) data/documents, and financial aid records. The Banner system stores this information permanently. Documentation while the student is enrolled in the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Program, (i.e., correspondences of academic performance and/or progress) is kept in the appropriate office and is maintained until the date of graduation. Upon graduation, any hard-copy documentation is sent to Enrollment Processing Services (EPS) to become part of the student’s permanent file. EPS will image the documents, notate Banner that the file has been imaged for future reference, and will send the files to storage until disposed according to the NSU Student Academic Record Retention Guidelines. In addition to data collected through Banner, documents that will be considered part of the student’s permanent file include admissions documents, disciplinary actions, suspension, expulsion, withdrawal, student appeals, letters of commendation, awards, publications, and other achievements. KPCOM uses DaVinci Leo as an additional student information system. 4. Course and Instructor Evaluations The college expects each student to sincerely accept his or her responsibility and obligation to provide course and instructor feedback in a constructive manner so that optimal feedback can be provided. a. Preclinical Instruction At the end of each preclinical course/semester, students must provide feedback on all courses and faculty members through an online evaluation system. The Department of Medical Education oversees this process and provides the evaluations to the Office of Preclinical Education, which then delivers the course results to each course director. All comments included are reported anonymously. Course directors formulate action plans for the course based, in part, upon the student feedback. Course action plan summaries are reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. Course changes and syllabi are approved by the Curriculum Committee prior to the next course offerings. b. Clinical Instruction Within 30 days of the end of each required rotation, students are required to complete an online Student Evaluation of Clinical Rotation. This information is reviewed by the Office of Osteopathic Clinical Education on a regular basis.
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