Page 9 - July 2012 COM Outlook

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Stude nt
the summer of 2005 in honor of David Spector—an under-
graduate psychology student in the NSU Farquhar College
of Arts and Sciences who died from an oxycontin overdose
in December 2004. Thanks to the benevolence of David’s
father, Howard, who decided to find a positive outlet for
his grief by establishing an endowment fund at NSU-COM,
future generations of students now have an opportunity to
conduct further research in this field.
Pictured with Jennifer Wellington are Anthony J. Silvagni, D.O., Pharm.D., M.Sc.,
and Raymond Ferrero III, J.D. (right).
COM Outlook . Summer 2012
Academical Society Awards
Ten conscientious second-year students were honored for
their contributions to their individual academical societies
(listed in italics)
as well as their commitment to fellow society
Jennifer Wellington
(William G. Anderson, D.O.)
Erik Adair
(Louisa Burns, D.O.)
Tiffany Chua
(Robert Klein,
Parul Cham
(Fred Lippman, Ed.D.)
Brittany Stutzman
(Anthony J. Silvagni, D.O.)
Danlu Wang
(Bradley I. Silver-
man, D.O.)
Katie Leicht
(A.T. Still, M.D., D.O.)
(Morton Terry, D.O.)
Tyler Thurman
(James Turner,
; and
Joseph Geffen
(Ross Zafonte, D.O.)
Ten Students Honored with Burnell
Research Awards
Ten NSU-COM students―
Katherine Beditz
Frances Brlit
Rebecca Desfor
Nicholas Garrett
James Jackson
Elizabeth Phung
Vu Tran
(OMS-II), and
Emily Young
, M.A.T.
(OMS-III) were named the winners of the Dr. Kenneth
Burnell Student Research Awards, which are presented to
NSU-COM students who conduct outstanding research in
either clinical medicine or biomedical science.
The scholarship was established in 2001 through an en-
dowed gift from the late Dr. Burnell to stimulate student
research at NSU-COM. This year, more students participat-
ed in the program than ever before. In addition, the quality
of the submissions resulted in the college presenting cash
awards to more students than ever before. All students
received credit on their NSU-COM transcripts for having
completed a course in research as well as a framed plaque.
Six of the participating student researchers were awarded
$500. The two most notable projects were submitted by
Brlit and Phung, who each received $750.
Pictured (from left) are James Jackson, Katherine Beditz, Leonard Levy, D.P.M.,
M.P.H., Rebecca Desfor, Tania Espinal, Michelle Grisillo, Frances Brlit, and
Elizabeth Phung.
TOUCH Community Service Awards
Thirty-five OMS-II stu-
dents were honored with
TOUCH Community
Service Awards for their
extensive community
service work since begin-
ning their NSU-COM
education in the summer
of 2010. These humanistic
individuals were honored
for their hard work and
dedication toward im-
proving the NSU, local, national, and international commu-
Carisa Lippmann
(pictured left with Debbi Steinkohl,
received a special recognition award for being
the top student in the reported number of community
service hours donated throughout her first two years of
medical school. Listed below are the top 10 community