COM Outlook . Spring 2015
NSU-COM Employees Honored for Longevity
On December 9, the college coordinated an employee recognition luncheon to honor 19 individuals who celebrated sig-
nificant employee milestones in 2014.
25 Years:
Lynne Cawley;
20 Years:
Linda Speiser;
15 Years:
Scott Colton, Dr. Joseph De
Gaetano, Liane Hess, Dr. James Howell, Dr. Leonard Levy, and Dr. Gary Merlino;
10 Years:
Dr. Phyllis Filker, Dr. Jay Fleisher, Dr. Delia
Celestine, Dr. Andrew Kusienski, Dr. Daniel Shaw, and Dr. Gabriel Suciu;
5 Years:
Dr. Tye Barber, Carmen Hernandez, Dr. Raymond
Ownby, Dr. Kenya Rivas, and Dr. Dianne Rechtine.
Inaugural HPD
Fall Fair a Success
On November 4, the
NSU-COM Center for Inter-
professional Education and Practice
coordinated the
inaugural Interprofessional Fall Fair, which focused on inform-
ing students about the roles and responsibilities of the many
professions at NSU that work together as a comprehensive
health care team. The fair featured a showcase of 13 different
professions, including anesthesiologist assistant, audiology, clini-
cal psychology, health law, medical sonography, nursing, oc-
cupational therapy, optometry, osteopathic medicine, physician
assistant, physical therapy, public health, and speech-language
pathology. The information booths were organized and oper-
ated by student representatives from each program.
All booths offered attendees an interactive activity that
encouraged better understanding of the varied professions at
NSU. These activities addressed the roles/responsibilities com-
petency domain of interprofessional collaborative practice.
The specific competencies addressed by participating in this
activity included communicating one’s roles and responsibili-
ties clearly, explaining the roles and responsibilities of other
care providers and how the team works together to provide
care, and communicating with team members to clarify each
member’s responsibility.