COM Outlook Winter 2021

40 | DR. KIRAN C. PATEL COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE interprofessional, the program recruits students from diverse health care disciplines and from numerous colleges and universities located throughout its 19-county service region. While this may pose a challenge, it is one the program leaders embraced. “We are part of a statewide program with different working relationships and philosophical styles,” Huerta said. “Getting various programs to work together in something new was challenging, but this serves as an opportunity for us to integrate for a great outcome.” The integration is one that worked and remains consistent after two cohorts of students. Even though the KPCOM and other NSU colleges comprise the main bulk of scholars, the program has recruited 66 students in its two classes from Florida Atlantic University, Palm Beach State College, the University of Central Florida, the University of Florida, Valencia State College, and Seminole State College. What Makes a Scholar? With nearly 200 applications sent in the past two recruitment cycles, the program is looking for students in a variety of health care professions who have a desire to make an immediate community impact. “We look more at the heart of who it is you want to work with,” Zucker explained. “For example, a student who wants to do primary care in rural underserved areas has that drive to want to do some- thing more and make something different. That’s what makes a great scholar.” After the application cycle and interview, the cohort begins its first year in the fall with 40 hours Cassie Evans gets ready to film a recipe video on mini frittatas for the Urban Farming Institute YouTube channel. “Getting various programs to work together in something new was challenging, but this serves as an opportunity for us to integrate for a great outcome.” — Joseph Huerta