PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 53 D.4 Administrative Judicial Proceeding An administrative judicial proceeding is a meeting conducted for violation(s) that could result in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion. Administrative Judicial Proceedings Following notification of charges, the accused student/student organization must schedule an administrative judicial proceeding with the designated discipline officer. If a student/student organization does not respond to a request to schedule a proceeding, the university reserves the right to continue its disciplinary procedure, conducting an in absentia judicial proceeding. In addition, holds may be placed on a student’s account that restrict registration for future semester(s). The judicial proceeding is for the purpose of discussing the alleged violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility. The judicial proceeding will only be open to the accused student, the student’s adviser (should the student choose to have one), the discipline officer, and a recorder. All meetings will be digitally recorded. An individual recorder will be present during the judicial proceeding to ensure this process. The individual has no other role in the judicial proceeding. The recording will be used only for the appellate process. The record will be the property of the university. The dean of students, at their discretion, may hold the proceeding remotely. The accused student/student organization is presumed not responsible unless the student/student organization accepts responsibility, or are determined responsible for the alleged violation(s) based on the preponderance of the evidence. At the beginning of the conversation, the discipline officer will review with the accused student/student organization their rights in the process as outlined before, as well as the alleged code violations. The student/student organization will have the opportunity to provide a response to the allegations (responsible or not responsible). If the student/student organization accepts responsibility, the only determination the discipline officer makes is regarding the sanctions to be imposed. If the student/student organization responds with “not responsible,” the student/student organization will be provided with the opportunity to present evidence, witnesses, or information for the review of the discipline officer. Any witnesses requested shall be present only during the offerings of their information. Witnesses must be able to provide firsthand, relevant information regarding the case. Character witnesses are not accepted. In Absentia—If the student/student organization fails to schedule—or appear for—a scheduled judicial proceeding, and the discipline officer has, in good faith, exhausted reasonable efforts to schedule the meeting, the discipline officer may make a determination based on the information available. If the student/student organization is found responsible, the officer may impose sanctions. This decision shall be communicated in writing to the student/student organization via NSU email. By failing to schedule or appear for a scheduled conference, students/student organizations waive their right to appeal the decision. Failure to appear for a scheduled proceeding may also result in a student account hold. After the conclusion of the judicial proceeding, the student/student organization will receive a written statement as to the disposition of the case, with information regarding each violation alleged. For any graduate or professional student, a copy of the final disposition will be provided to the dean’s office of the student’s/student organization’s college.