PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Speech-Language Pathology 2024–2025 255 P I PR NPR Pass (80 percent or above) Incomplete Progress No Progress Retake Policy, Student Progress, Academic Probation, and Dismissal If a required course is failed, the student must repeat the course at its next regularly scheduled offering. Additional tuition will be charged for repeated courses. A student who has experienced one course failure may be placed on academic probation. Students who have been placed on academic probation and earn a failing grade in a repeated course, or any other course (i.e., a second grade of F) may be dismissed from the program. A student with two or more course failures while in the Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology program may be dismissed from the program. Any course failed on first taking will be considered a course failure. Passing a course through the retake does not negate the original failure for the purposes of retention in the program. The procedures and deliberative bodies that implement these policies and procedures are described in the CSP and Student Appeals in the college section of this handbook. Incomplete Grades A grade of incomplete (I) is issued only at the request of the student after approval by the instructor and the completion of the Incomplete Grade Assignment form. The initiation of the process is the student’s responsibility prior to the end of the course. To receive a grade of incomplete, the student must 1. have completed at least 60 percent of the course with a grade of B (80 percent, or better) 2. complete an Incomplete Grade Agreement form and send it to the instructor Once an Incomplete Grade Agreement Form has been submitted by the student, it is subject to approval by the instructor. Once the course instructor approves the incomplete grade agreement, the grade of incomplete will be issued no later than the end of the term by the program director. The course work must be finalized and submitted to the instructor according to the agreed-upon timeline, as outlined on the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form. This date can be no later than the last day of the term following the final class date of the course. The instructor will not accept assignments submitted after the date indicated on the agreement, and the student’s grade will be assigned according to the work that the student submitted by the due date. An incomplete (I) grade that has not been changed by the official date in the agreement will be converted to an F by the program director and/or department chair. Applied Dissertation The applied dissertation is a detailed, accurate, and cohesive account of a scholarly investigation designed to answer a research question directed toward the improvement of practice in the field of speech-language pathology. Research is distinguished by a theory-to-practice model encompassing a range of disciplines. Each student is assigned a faculty committee (i.e., committee chair and committee member) to facilitate and supervise the applied dissertation process. There are three benchmarks in the completion of the applied dissertation: the concept paper, the dissertation proposal and Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval, and the dissertation.