PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Speech-Language Pathology 2024–2025 253 chat sessions. Attendance and participation in the hybrid weekend component of each designed class is mandatory. Students can assume that all hybrid weekend classes are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise indicated by the course instructor. Students are required to attend the full day of class for each of the hybrid weekend class sessions (Saturday and/or Sunday). Any absence from any of the online chat sessions or hybrid weekend classes that is anticipated by a student (excused or planned) must be approved by the course instructor. If an absence is anticipated, the student is required to contact the course instructor and the program director prior to the first day of class or no later than two weeks before the date of the online chat sessions or hybrid weekend class that will be missed. If an emergency arises and the student cannot reasonably alert the course instructor prior to the missed class, the student should contact the course instructor and program director as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the course instructor after missing class to determine how the missed class requirements and/or assignments can be made up. Every student is expected to be on time for all online chat sessions and hybrid weekend class meetings. Each course instructor will advise students as to the repercussions that may be incurred as a result of absence from the online chat sessions or from the hybrid weekend class meetings. Grade reductions for class participation may be imposed if a student demonstrates a pattern of tardiness (more than 15 minutes late more than once) or if more than one absence occurs from the online class chat session or hybrid weekend meeting. Such a reduction in grade will be reported to the student in writing at the time it is imposed. Missed assignments may be made up solely at the discretion of the course instructor. Students will attend one on-campus winter research institute over the course of their SLP.D. studies. Attendance at the on-campus component for the courses with the winter research institute is mandatory. Students who do not attend the on-campus component will receive an incomplete grade for the course until the on-campus requirements are met at the next semester in which the course is offered. Students can assume that all on-campus classes are scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. unless otherwise indicated by the course instructor. Return flights should be scheduled no earlier than the evening of the last day of the institute course. Course instructors may assign an incomplete grade to students who do not complete a full day of on-campus classes. Continuous Enrollment The SLP.D. program requires students to enroll in at least one course per semester per the duration of their SLP.D. studies. If a student needs to take a semester off during the academic year, an administrative break in enrollment request must be submitted to the program director, which will be subject to approval by the dean. Students must contact the SLP.D. program office 30 days prior to returning from the administrative break in enrollment. Add/Drop Period Students can add or drop courses during the first week of the semester. To add/drop a course, students must contact their advisers to complete the add/drop process. For information regarding add/drop period and tuition refund, see Tuition Credit Policy—Voluntary Drops and Withdrawals, previously located in this handbook.