Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Speech-Language Pathology 2024–2025 249 Note: Once a student is placed on Academic Probation, the student remains on Academic Probation for the remainder of the time in the program. Notification of Academic Probation or Dismissal may occur during the succeeding term, whereby, students may be administratively withdrawn from courses in progress with a refund of all tuition paid. Students who are recommended for Dismissal have the option to appeal (see Student Appeal Process under the college section of this handbook). Student Conduct Students are expected to comply with the ethical, professional, and legal standards of NSU, the NSU Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility, the Code of Ethics of the American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association (asha.org/code-of-ethics), and the manual for externship and clinical policies and procedures. Any student suspected of violation of any of these standards and codes will be referred to the CSP. Any student found in violation of any of these standards or codes may forfeit all past and future academic honors. Note: Students who achieve a grade below a B- must follow the updated academic plan created for them. Failure to do so will result in a referral to the CSP due to not following directives from program administration. International Students International students living in the United States must present verification of student visa or residency status and comply with federal guidelines. Due to the limited availability of ASHA-certified supervisors internationally, students who live outside of the United States will not be eligible for admission to the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology program. Furthermore, students accepted to the M.S. in SpeechLanguage Pathology program may not relocate outside of the United States before the completion of the degree. Students are required to complete all clinical practicum experiences within the United States. Transfer of Credit For a student to receive transfer credit, courses taken previously must be equivalent to those described in the HPD Catalog, must have been completed within five years prior to admission, and cannot have been used toward a prior degree. Approval of transfer credit will be granted only after the student has submitted a written request for consideration with the program director or designee. The student must provide a catalog course description and course syllabus for each course. Only courses completed at regionally accredited universities or colleges, or their foreign equivalents, will be considered for transfer credit into the master’s degree program. No more than nine semester hours of credit may be transferred into the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology program. To be considered for transfer credit, a grade equivalent of B-, or better, must be recorded on the student’s transcript for each course. No clinical course credits will be transferred. Credits earned at NSU are transferable only at the discretion of the receiving school. Students who wish to transfer credit should contact the admissions office of the receiving school for information.