PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Speech-Language Pathology 2024–2025 248 To receive a grade of Incomplete, the student must 1. have completed at least two-thirds of the course with a grade equivalency of 80 percent, or better 2. complete an Incomplete Grade Agreement Form and send it to the instructor Once an Incomplete Grade Agreement Form has been submitted and the grade of Incomplete issued, the coursework must be finalized and submitted to the instructor according to the agreed-upon timeline, as outlined on the Incomplete Grade Agreement Form. This date can be no later than the last day of the term following the final class date of the course. The instructor will not accept assignments submitted after the date indicated on the agreement, and the student’s grade will be assigned according to the work the student submitted by the due date. An Incomplete (I) grade which has not been changed by the official date in the agreement will be converted to an F by the program director or designee. Course Failure Students who achieve a grade below a B- will be referred to the CSP to review the circumstances which resulted in the referral. (See the CSP in the college section of this handbook.) Academic Warning Students who achieve a grade between 70–79 percent in a single academic course will receive an Academic Warning. As a result of receiving an Academic Warning, students will be directed to meet with a member of the CSP to review the circumstances that resulted in the unsuccessful outcome. The discussion will include identification of areas to target to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes in future courses with the goal of completing the program. Academic Probation Students will be referred to the CSP for Academic Probation for any one of the following occurrences: • cumulative GPA falling below a 3.0 • a grade of F in any academic course • grades below B- in any two academic courses • a grade below B- in a clinical course Dismissal Students will be referred to the CSP for Dismissal for any one of the following occurrences: • a third grade below B- in an academic course • a grade below B- in any course after a student has been placed on Academic Probation • a grade below B- in any repeated course • cumulative grade point average below 3.0 for three consecutive terms OR dropping below 3.0 a second time • three unsuccessful attempts to complete SLP 6200 Capstone