Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Speech-Language Pathology 2024–2025 247 Alpha Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CF Quality Points 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.00 1.75 0.00 Score on CALIPSO Performance Rating Scale 4.50–5.00 4.20–4.49 3.90–4.19 3.70–3.89 3.50–3.69 3.00–3.49 2.50–2.99 2.00–2.49 Below 2.00 A minimum grade of B- must be earned in each course in the curriculum. If a student achieves a grade below a B- in any course, the student must repeat the course during the next semester in which the course is offered. The course must be repeated through the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology program. Students must repay for the course. A course may be repeated only one time. When repeating a course, the student must earn a grade of B-, or better, in the repeated course. Furthermore, students must successfully repeat the course before moving on to other courses that have the repeated course as a prerequisite. Where applicable, assignments, quizzes, and examinations are recorded to the first decimal point. Final course grades are calculated to two decimal points, but only the tenths position is considered. Grades are rounded up only if the final grade is X.50 or higher. A grade of X.49 does not round up to X.50. Withdrawal from an Academic Course A request for withdrawal from a course shall be made in writing to the program director or designee. A student may request withdrawal only if the student is in good academic/professional standing with the program. A withdrawal from a course requires approval from the program director or designee. A grade or notation of W (withdrawal) will be recorded on the student’s transcript. The grade of W will be replaced by an earned grade only when the student retakes the course. Withdrawal from a Clinical Course/Placement Students in clinical courses are not permitted to withdraw from the placement nor the clinical course EXCEPT on rare occasions. Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis and require a written request by the student with accompanying documentation as appropriate and the written approval of the clinical director and the program director or designee and/or department chair. In making the request, the student understands that the student may not be eligible to repeat the clinical course until a suitable placement has been secured. Incomplete Grades A grade of Incomplete (I) is issued only at the request of the student after approval by the course instructor and the completion of the Incomplete Grade Assignment Form. The initiation of the process is the student’s responsibility prior to the end of the course.