PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Speech-Language Pathology 2024–2025 246 Students may not wear the following when participating in clinical assignments, working in the SLP building, and attending classes: • shorts or cutoffs, miniskirts (higher than just above the knee), jeans (all colors), see-through clothing or halter tops, sandals, flip-flops, T-shirts (as the outer shirt), jogging or exercise clothing, inappropriately mismatched garments, hats, or caps (except of a religious nature) While on an NSU campus, at any off-campus educational sites, and during regular class hours, students are to comply with the dress code of the college. • Maintain a neat and clean appearance befitting those attending professional school. Those failing to comply may be dismissed from the classroom and/or campus, and a written warning describing the infraction will be entered into the student’s file. Academic Promotions and Progression The progress of each student through the curriculum requires continuous satisfactory academic, clinical, and professional performance. Students are to be enrolled each term or on an approved administrative break of enrollment or leave of absence. Substandard performance in any course or failing to exhibit satisfactory professional behavior will be referred to the CSP. Lack of progress in any academic or clinical course will result in a change to the student’s original plan and may extend the student’s time in the program. Grading Policies, Procedures, and Course Failures Academic Courses Alpha Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CF P Quality Points 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.00 2.75 2.50 2.00 1.75 0.0 0.0 Percent 94–100 90–93 87–89 83–86 80–82 77–79 73–76 70–72 Below 70 Pass Clinical Courses (which include the following courses: SLP 6101 Clinical Lab I Practicum, SLP 6102 Clinic II Lab Practicum, SLP 6005 Diagnostics II Practicum, SLP 6110 Externship: Adults, SLP 6120 Externship: Pediatric School, and SLP 6130 Externship: Pediatric Nonschool)