Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Speech-Language Pathology 2024–2025 245 3. d evelop and implement a plan of intervention with a variety of clinical populations across the age span 4. evaluate and critically apply current research to determine and enhance clinical efficacy 5. recognize and apply the knowledge of cultural awareness across professional activities 6. use written, oral, and nonverbal communication to communicate clearly, effectively, and appropriately 7. c ollaborate with and/or counsel effectively clients, family members, caregivers, and other professionals 8. demonstrate professional behavior that exemplifies knowledge of ethical, legal, regulatory, and financial aspects of professional practice 9. demonstrate skills for lifelong learning, professional development, and self-assessment 10. demonstrate the ability to use technology to accomplish research, client diagnosis, and treatment New Student Orientation New students must attend a mandatory three-day orientation meeting. Students are responsible for any expenses incurred to attend. During the meeting, students will be oriented to NSU, the PCHCS (hereafter referred to as the college), and the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology program; meet faculty members; and participate in speech-language hearing screenings. Prior to the orientation meeting, students will review the program website (healthsciences.nova.edu/slp/masters) and this handbook and are responsible for familiarizing themselves with departmental policies and procedures. Instructional Delivery System The M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology program operates year-round and is divided into three terms: fall, winter, and summer. Coursework for the M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology is available in the evenings, online, and face-to-face at the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus. Dress Code The following constitutes acceptable and professional attire for speech-language pathology (SLP) students when on campus and attending college and program events. • White clinical jackets are not required, but can be purchased by students through the NSU bookstore. If the student chooses to purchase and wear a white clinical jacket, the jacket must include the embroidery and the college SLP patch. • Shirts, slacks, professional business dress (slacks, pants, or skirts with blouses, or dresses), and appropriate shoes are acceptable, as well as program polo shirts. • Matching scrub sets and tennis shoes can be worn.