PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physician Assistant 2024–2025 238 Grading Policies and Procedures Grading for academic and clinical-year PA students is based on an alpha scale as shown. Alpha Grade A AB+ B BC+ C F Scale 4.0 3.75 3.50 3.0 2.75 2.50 2.0 0.0 Percent 94–100 90–93 87–89 83–86 80–82 77–79 75–76 0–74 Academic courses, blocks, tests, retests, and remediation are graded in percentages, with the final course grades converted to the alpha grade scale. For all classes, grades of less than 75 percent are failing grades and may result in additional testing, academic discipline, and/or possible dismissal. The syllabi of some courses define specific passing percentages for designated components. During the clinical year, the clinical rotation grade is composed of several individual components. Students must attain a passing grade on the end-of-rotation examination, as well as a passing cumulative score on all components to pass the clinical rotation. Students receiving failing grades in clinical rotations following retesting will be referred to the CSP for disposition. (See CSP in the college section of this handbook and Orlando CSP policies included in the Orlando PA Student Handbook.) Additional tuition will be charged for repeated rotations. An applicant reapplying to the program will be treated as a first-time competitive applicant for the purposes of coursework and must repeat and pass all required coursework. Incomplete Coursework The course director, with the academic director or the clinical director, in concurrence with the program director, may determine the method by which an incomplete grade will be converted to an earned grade. When a student fails to complete all the requirements of a course or clinical rotation, the student shall receive a grade of I (incomplete). A change from an incomplete to an earned grade must occur within 90 days of having received the incomplete grade or the student’s grade will be converted to an F. Clinical Rotations The clinical year of the program is devoted to hands-on training in clinical rotations. The clinical year consists of nine total rotations: seven core required rotations, one selective rotation, and one elective rotation. The core and one selective rotation are each six weeks; the other elective rotation is four weeks. All PA students on clinical rotations must maintain, at their expense, a functioning cell phone and a laptop computer with webcam capabilities and universal Internet access. To facilitate communications, PA students must provide the PA program with their cell phone numbers and their residence phone number and inform the PA program in advance of any changes. Students must comply with all policies and procedures of the clinical sites, assigned hospitals, and NSU.