Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physician Assistant 2024–2025 234 During the clinical year, PA students will be required to document clinical experiences via a web-based program. Students may elect to print out hard copies of the tracking tables and hand write these clinical experiences for input into the web-based program at each day’s end, or they may elect to utilize a laptop or tablet-device with wireless Internet connectivity and webcam capability. Students will be given training on using the tracking software during the advanced didactic semester. Additional Specific Policies Students will have readily available access to the program’s academic and clinical year handbook that will cover respectively all policies, procedures, courses, and rotations appropriate for the curriculum. These handbooks provide more specifics for guidance and governance of the students while in the program. The Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences Student Handbook supersedes the Fort Lauderdale PA program handbooks if there are direct conflicts, although the program’s handbooks may be more strict and/or detailed. Fort Myers The Nova Southeastern University Physician Assistant Program—Fort Myers is fully accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission for Physician Assistant Education (ARC-PA) and is a member of the Physician Assistant Education Association. Dress Code Students in the Physician Assistant (PA) program—Fort Myers are expected to comply with the dress code as outlined by the PCHCS policy. Health professionals enjoy the respect of colleagues and patients largely due to their expertise, education, and performance. It has been shown that a degree of this respect comes from professional appearance and dress. To that end, the PA program has mandated a prescribed dress code for all PA students. Dress shall be Caribbean blue scrubs (scrub top and bottom must be Caribbean blue and must match) during didactic class hours, Monday through Friday. Medical business attire is required during the clinical year. Casual business attire is acceptable on weekends and evenings (after class hours). Sandals and open-toed shoes are not permitted at any time in clinical or practical areas, physical assessment lab, patient simulation, or other clinical sites. Lab coats (short, intern style) with prescribed patches and embroidery must be worn when attending off-campus clinical assignments during the clinical year. Lab coats are ordered by the program and will be received approximately six weeks before clinical assignments in late August. All coats, scrubs suits, and dress attire should be neat, pressed, and cleaned as necessary to affect a professional image and appearance. If staining does not permit complete cleaning, the clothing item should be immediately replaced. Initial purchase and subsequent replacement of any uniform items are the responsibility of the student. Institutional, hospital, or clinic scrubs are NOT permitted at HPD. Institutional scrubs, as these are termed, are marked with the facility name. They are considered stolen property. Incidents will be handled as such.