PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physical Therapy 2024–2025 230 be required to petition the program director, in writing, for reinstatement in the program or may be required to apply to the program for readmission. Suspension/Dismissal Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program have an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the university’s function as an educational institution. Students can be suspended and/ or dismissed from the Ph.D program for failure to meet academic standards, course failures, and/or unprofessional conduct. Please refer to the section of this handbook entitled Statement of Students Rights and Responsibilities. Academic Promotion Students must complete the degree requirements within seven years from the initial term of enrollment. The progress of each doctoral student through the curriculum requires continuous, satisfactory academic performance. Students in the Ph.D. program who fail a course may be dismissed from the program. Incomplete Coursework A grade of incomplete (I) is issued only in cases of unexpected personal or professional emergencies, and must be made up the next time the course is offered, as stipulated by the instructor. The grade of progress (PR) will be used for course or dissertation in which the student continues to demonstrate progress toward the completion of all required works. If the incomplete grade (I) is not made up accordingly, it will be converted into a failing grade (F). Students must request any extension to complete course work, in writing, from the course instructor with a copy to the program director. Students requesting extensions due to medical or military reasons are expected to provide official documentation. A grade of I can only be assigned if 50 percent or more of the coursework has been completed. If the extension is approved by the program director, the student must complete and submit an Incomplete Grade Agreement Form via email to the course instructor prior to the end of the course. The subject line of the email must include the student’s name and Incomplete Grade Agreement. Comprehensive Examination The Ph.D. student will be allowed to take the comprehensive examination after completion of all required courses or earlier with permission from the program director. A student must pass the examination before officially entering the dissertation phase. Failure to successfully pass the comprehensive exam after three attempts will result in dismissal from the program. Dissertation The Ph.D. students are expected to conduct individual research, successfully defend their dissertation before a dissertation committee, and submit their dissertation to ProQuest for publication. Process and requirements are detailed in the Dissertation Guide.