Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physical Therapy 2024–2025 228 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physical Therapy Students enrolled in the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Physical Therapy program must follow all university policies and procedures. The following paragraphs highlight policies specific to the postgraduate doctoral program in physical therapy. Textbooks Students will receive information about course textbooks prior to the start of the semester in the respective Student Center on Canvas. Students can order texts from any source; however, it is highly recommended that students order the texts before the first day of the semester. Web Access and Registration: SharkLink, Email/Webmail, Canvas, and Self-Service Banner Information on access to and utilization of email, registration processes, and electronic classes is provided in the student handbook that is posted in the Student Centers on Canvas. Computer Services Distance students are required to register online for all courses each semester. Students register through the Self-Service Banner system that can be accessed from the SharkLink portal. The Help Desk is an online resource available 24 hours/day. There you can get assistance with academic computer and technology problems. The Help Desk is available by phone at (954) 262-4357 or 800-541-6682, ext. 24357, for international students, or by email at help@nova.edu. Travel, Housing, and Parking Although the postprofessional program is primarily online, students are required to attend on-campus sessions each semester for most classes in which they are enrolled. Student ID Cards: The SharkCard NSU requires that students wear the NSU SharkCard (ID card) at all times. Students can complete an NSU SharkCard application (available online) and mail a passport-size photo to NSU Campus Card Services. Students can also obtain the SharkCard when they arrive on campus at the SharkCard Services Desk located in the Horvitz Administration Building (open Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m.). The SharkCard provides access to all buildings, libraries, and the fitness center located in the University Center. Each year, the NSU SharkCard provides students with $75 toward printing costs associated with printing at the computer labs on campus. On-Campus Component All postprofessional courses are designed in distance learning formats. Each student holds the responsibility to fulfill all class requirements, access recommended resources, and meet the appropriate deadlines for assignment submission and exams. Students are required to access and participate in their web-based class as defined by the course instructor. Policies regarding participation on discussion boards are usually defined in the course syllabus.