Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physical Therapy 2024–2025 225 Communication with Faculty Members Outside of class, the primary modes of communication with faculty members are email and Canvas. Students are responsible for checking and replying to all faculty member communication through email and Canvas on a regular basis (i.e., at least daily). Failure to do so may result in the student being referred to the CSP for unprofessional behavior. Professional D.P.T. Program—Fort Lauderdale Student Dress Code Students are expected to strictly adhere to dress code standards. Students must always wear their student ID/name tag while on campus or at NSU-sponsored activities. Students should always be well groomed, with long hair tied back and out of face. Fingernails should be 1/8 inch or less in length, and minimal nondangling jewelry may be worn. Required footwear for all program-related activities includes nonskid, closed-toe, supportive shoes, such as sneakers, worn with socks. Students are required to be dressed in one of the three uniforms outlined below, based on the nature of the activity being performed. Scrub uniform—For most classes, students wear pewter gray scrub set with first and last name embroidered in 0.5-inch-high, white block letters on the left upper corner of the scrub top. Scrub top must be worn on the outermost layer so that embroidered name is visible. Lab uniform—For most labs, students must wear the designated lab uniform, which includes the gray PT lab shirt with NSU logo, and program approved navy-colored shorts. Students should wear a modest sports bra. Faculty members will decide whether scrubs or lab uniform will be required, based on the nature of the lab activities. Students, however, should always have the lab uniform available. Lab clothes may only be worn on the second floor of the HPD library building. On all other areas of campus, students should be dressed in scrubs or clinic uniform. Clinic uniform—For clinical experiences and community-based activities, the uniform is professional dress, including navy blue NSU PT polo shirt and khaki slacks (no capris). Students who do not adhere to the dress code policy will be asked to leave class or activity and may be given a Notice of Professional Behavior (NUB) and/or referred to the CSP. Professional D.P.T. Program—Tampa Bay Attendance Attendance is mandatory for all scheduled instructional sessions and curricular activities. Academic Progression A final course grade of at least C (75 percent) constitutes a passing grade. For mixed courses (lecture and lab), students must achieve an average of C for written exams/assignments and an average of C for psychomotor exams/assignments. If one of the two requirements is not met, the student will fail the course, even if the aggregate grade is greater than C. If a student fails both components, it will be counted together as a single course failure. The passing grade for any psychomotor exam is at least 75 percent. A psychomotor exam is any test of psychomotor skills, including skills check, practical exam, and triple jump exam. Students who fail a