PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physical Therapy 2024–2025 224 experience will be sent to the CSP. If a student fails a clinical experience a second time, the student may be dismissed from the program. A student who is dismissed from the program, based on inadequate academic performance or unprofessional conduct, would need to reapply to the program to be considered for readmission under the admissions standards applicable to the incoming class. Incomplete Coursework Contingent upon approval by the program director, a student who fails to complete all the requirements of a course because of documented medical reasons or extenuating personal circumstances may receive a grade of incomplete (I). An incomplete will be changed to an earned grade upon the student’s satisfactory completion of the course requirements. A change from an incomplete to an earned grade must occur prior to the end of the next semester or the course grade will be converted to an F and the student will be dismissed from the program. Exceptions to this rule may be considered in cases in which a medical leave or administrative break in enrollment is granted for more than one semester. Withdrawal Students who wish to withdraw from the program must submit a written voluntary withdrawal request via email to the program director who will evaluate the student’s request. The withdrawal period ends three weeks prior to the end of the semester. Students who wish to withdraw outside of this time frame must provide documentation of medical or other circumstances which warrant this exception. Once a class has been completed, a student does not have the option to withdraw. A notation of the reason for withdrawal will be placed on the student’s transcript. See the HPD Tuition Credit Policy-Voluntary Drops and Withdrawals section for financial implications of withdrawal. Students who voluntarily withdraw from the program must reapply to be considered for readmission into the next incoming class. Professional D.P.T. Program—Fort Lauderdale Attendance Attendance will depend on the course or activity and will be determined by the program director and/ or course instructor. Regular attendance is expected. Academic Progression For classes that combine both psychomotor practical exams and written exams/assignments, students must obtain both of the following to pass the class: a 75 percent average on the written exams/ assignments portion and a 75 percent average on the practical portion.