PCHCS Students Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Pallavi Patel College of Health Care Sciences (PCHCS)—Department of Physical Therapy 2024–2025 223 Grading Policies and Procedure Grading for physical therapy doctoral students is based on a scale of 0–100 percent. Some courses may be Pass/Fail. P or Pass 75 percent or above F or Fail below 75 percent Grading for all physical therapy courses is based on an alpha scale as shown. Alpha Grade A AB+ B BC+ C F P I PR Scale 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Percent 94–100 90–93 87–89 83–86 80–82 77–79 75–76 <74 N/A N/A N/A Information regarding the calculation and disposition of a student’s final course grade is found in each course syllabus. At midterm, students will receive a midterm memo if the midterm course grade is less than 75 percent (less than C). Students must follow the program policies for responding to the midterm memo and seek assistance from the course instructor and faculty adviser. A final course grade of less than C in any given course will constitute a course failure. Students who are eligible will take a comprehensive remediation exam for the failed course and complete the remediation examination at a time approved by the program director or before the next scheduled clinical placement. Following a successful remediation exam, the final grade for that course will be recorded as C(E) to indicate that the course was passed via remediation. Students who fail a course and/or the remediation examination will be sent to the CSP and may be dismissed. While matriculating through the D.P.T. program, each student is permitted to remediate two didactic courses. Since a student who receives a final course grade of F in any course is not allowed to progress to the succeeding semester, the student must successfully remediate the first course failure to be granted the opportunity to remediate a second course failure. A student will be allowed to sit for only one remediation examination per course. Students who fail a clinical experience may be given one opportunity to retake the experience at a time and place determined by the Director of Clinical Education (DCE). Students who fail a clinical